25-03-2025 11:55 AM
My seller has posted my item to the wrong buyer (who also bought something else). The seller has informed ebay and the other party. They have sent a pre paid label so the other party can send my item to me but this person is being obstructive. Trying to report this via AI is almost impossible. Has anyone else had a problem like this and how did they resolve it? Seller mentioned getting the police involved too
25-03-2025 12:04 PM
The only reportable matter is the seller broke eBay rules and the law in sending your name and address to the other buyer in order for them to send the item to you directly.
25-03-2025 12:04 PM
This is certainly not a police matter!
The seller is wrong , they made the mistake so that buyer should sent the item back to the seller, not to you, at the seller's expense , the seller then sends the item to you.
Looks like the correct procedure is not going to be followed, so one day after the item's last estimated date for delivery open a case for item not received, and if the seller does not refund within 3 days, you should escalate on day 4, eBay will step in and force the refund.
Do not close the case on any excuse or promise the seller may make, and do not forget to escalate.
25-03-2025 1:43 PM
As advised, the seller needs to put this right with you.
Open an 'item not received' case through Ebay.
The seller must refund you.
Then, it is up to them to try and get the item back from the other buyer. Really, although the other buyer should not consider keeping the item they did not buy, this is the seller's error and they need to sort it out.
25-03-2025 2:15 PM
I told the seller to send a returns label to this person to return it to them. The seller said they had contacted ebay about it. then showed me a copy of the label they sent addressed to me. The seller said they had been having horrible messages from the other party and then no communication. I just want my item! I do not think the seller is very experienced. Ebay have told me to wait until tomorrow then to open a not received. It is a very good item and I am very unlikely to get another at the price I paid. So frustrated. I just wish you could speak to a human being on ebay (excluding you of course) . There does not seem to be any mechanism to explain all this to an AI bot!
25-03-2025 3:44 PM
Even if you explained it to a sympathetic member of Ebay Customer Services, and they immediately grasped the issue, they would not be able to help you.
The seller and 'the other buyer' have to sort this out.
If the buyer simply refuses to send the item to you, or to return it to the seller, there is not anything Ebay can do. The buyer has not done anything they can be reported for and could even deny that they ever received the item meant for you. There is no proof that this is not the case.
If the buyer is being uncooperative, the best you can hope for is a refund.