Report a seller

I want to report a seller for fraudulent activity. I got a phone call from a man pretending to be from my bank. He had my phone number and the last four digits of my credit card number. I know eBay sellers can get access to these personal details. He claimed someone had tried to make a purchase on my credit card and he would stop it if I gave him my security number. I said no I'll ring my bank about it. He rang late in the evening probably because he knew the bank was closed so I couldn't check. Have I got an option of hiding my details from sellers? I think sellers should only contact me by message. He claimed someone had tried to put a payment through  on my bank account through eBay. I have kept his phone number. It is a Birmingham city number. I googled the phone number on the site called 'Who called me?' and it shows there has been fraudulent activity from the phone number. I rang my bank next day and they confirmed someone had tried to put a payment through from eBay for £899 and they stopped it. I blocked my card and changed my eBay password. 

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Report a seller

Experienced Mentor

Sellers won't have details of your credit card numbers.

Sounds like a normal scam phone call,

lots of people use ebay, so a good chance scammers will hit lucky.

Well done for spotting it.

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Report a seller

Experienced Mentor

adding to the advice already given -


As sellers on eBay get paid by managed payments they have no idea as to how a buyer paid or what payment method a buyer used.

Message 3 of 6
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Report a seller

Experienced Mentor

The bank will probably be open to deal with fraud else report to police on 101.



Message 4 of 6
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Report a seller

Thank you for reply. I blocked the card and changed my password.

I have researched eBay data control. Not sure what the truth is. Sellers do have access to buyers phone number. The person I spoke to at the bank said last four digits of a credit card are still visible on some receipts. I thought the law in UK changed a while back and now last four digits are not visible on any receipts.

Sent from my iPhone
Message 5 of 6
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Report a seller

the bank said last four digits of a credit card are still visible on some receipts.


The point to understand is that on eBay buyers don't pay the seller, they pay eBay. eBay then passes on their payment to the seller, less their fees, by bank transfer.


The seller doesn't even know how the buyer paid eBay, let alone have access to any information about their credit or debit card.


The perpetrator of this attempted fraud could have obtained your card details anywhere.

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