Received item i didn’t buy

hi all

What would you do?

i have received an item from ebay which i didn't order/pay for. The sender's name is on the box - JX. there is then some details about i handbag i bought a week before that on JX label (but i bought the handbag from PD) I've never done business with JX before as far as i remember. how did JX name get onto the label with PD item details? i also cannot find JX on ebay as a seller - please can someone offer a suggestion to me. i tried chatting to a friend about this who uses ebay but got nowhere!! thanks 

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Received item i didn’t buy

Possibly one person who has two accounts, find him using this -

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Received item i didn’t buy

I would put the item to one side for now and wait and see if the seller realises the mistake they have made.

If they do ask for it to be returned, they will need to provide a label.

Was it addressed to you by name?  The seller could (as suggested) have two accounts and may have just got a bit muddled when printing labels.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
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