Preview button no longer works

When creating a new listing I always used to first use PREVIEW before LISTING. This was to try and trap any unintended errors and typos etc. The PREVIEW button no longer works. It simply produces a never-ending "loading" rotation. I thought maybe eBay should be made aware of this failing in their system. Have tried to notify eBay of this but it turns out there is no way to do that. In all the chat and automated stuff there are no "none of the above" or "speak to an agent" or "report a problem" options. It is impossible to find a Customer Services email or postal address. To be honest I've got used to just diving in and listing it blind then revising quickly after it's on the system but I thought it might be helpful to ebay to be made aware of a failure in their system. Well, if they can't be bothered then neither can I any more. Would still welcome suggestions or comments if anyone has any. Thanks.

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Preview button no longer works

To be honest,   the Preview option hasn't worked correctly for years,  I would not recommend using it.


Just check,  and double check your listing to be correct,  then list it.  It should be exactly the same.  If not, there is time to quickly revise and correct any errors,  but truly,  there shouldn't be any.


This doesn't apply to Classified ads,  these once listed,  cannot be revised.



Message 2 of 4
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Preview button no longer works

Thank you for the response. I must admit I recently had a gap in listing but it was working fine up until the last listing in March 9 2024.
I restarted again on Jan 20 2025 to discover it was no longer working. As you suggest I will simply ignore it but unnecessarily badly designed and managed systems are just laziness really. They make HUGE amounts of dosh ... the least a user might reasonably expect is a properly designed, managed, and maintained service. Oh well ...

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Rod Lord <>
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Message 3 of 4
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Preview button no longer works

Yep don't use it, it's not necessary , just checking your listing is correct  before sending it live, is all you need to do.



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