
Why are sellers allowed to sell Harry Potter Lego under the title of Lego, then when you scroll to description, it says not Lego, should'nt Lego not be in the title

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They shouldn't its called keyword spamming. Report the item, there is a link with report this item.


I am surprised that the VERO programme hasn't caught up with them yet either, I am sure Lego/Kirkbi are on the programme.

My business was a finalist in the ebay business awards 2023.
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Experienced Mentor

That's like asking why drivers are "allowed" to break the speed limit!


Sellers are not allowed to use registered brand names to describe fakes or copycat unbranded products. That doesn't mean that some sellers won't break the rules.


There is a link in every listing to report it. You can use this, but dont be surprised if no action is taken. Reports of brand name misuse from ordinay members are not always reliable and amay even be malicious. eBay will remove the listing immediately if the brand owner reports it - which the big brands do on eBay, all the time.

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Thank you 😊
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