I found this slightly confusing:
'The most recent order I have placed was for gross GBP36 and change of which over GBP7 plus was the so called BPF'
Are you saying that you were charged over £7 on a single item?
BPF is 4% + 75p per item so, if you buy a lot of low value items, the the BPF will be proportionately very high. On 10 items the seller priced at 99p, you might be paying over £7 to Ebay.
On a single item for £36, say the price the seller wanted was £34, the BPF would add £2.08 onto the price and the buyer would see that end price, rather than £34.
Ebay private sellers will still have unique items that you won't find for sale from business sellers. Don't give up on them because some of your payment now goes to Ebay.
"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)