
A sign of insanity is going through the motions over and over and getting the same answer and wrong answer at that too. The Captcha does not work and so I was unable to purchase and had to go else-where to buy. Most annoying. 

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Experienced Mentor

Are you using a VPN?

If so ebay can't verify who are by location, so you do captcha every time.

Message 2 of 6
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Have to agree that some of the pictures are not obvious.  For example, say one of a boat looks like aeroplanes,  horses like cows!  Not easy to pass those tests.


I would think getting them wrong if you are several times,  that might be a set back,  and would involve the whole process for you, a little more frequently.



Message 3 of 6
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Hi. I really hate the Captcha one where you have to spot traffic lights - American style lights which are totally different from British ones where I live. 

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Message 4 of 6
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OK thanks. I am not using VPN. E-bay was behaving a bit odd today. 

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Message 5 of 6
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Try the old favourite, clear cache and cookies.

You will have to sign in again, probably doing captcha  but may sort issue.

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