
Hi there, I paid for an item of furniture, that I need to collect. But the seller hasn’t replied to my numerous messages. So I cancelled the order. But still no contact with the seller. I do still want the item.

how do I get a refund if the seller won’t / can’t make contact ?

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If it's any consolation, buyer's can't cancel purchases. Only sellers can. So unless your seller has cancelled the sale, it's still open and available for you to collect.


If you still want the item, you need to keep on trying to contact the seller. Has eBay sent you the code number of QR code that you will require to collect the item?


If your seller still won't respond they have presumably decided not to honour the sale . If so, you can claim an "item not received" refund under eBay's money back guarantee. There is a link to this in every qualifying listing, or see:

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