Breach of design rights on a sold item

For context I am a 3d designer that designs models for people to buy and 3d print at home, in recent weeks I have discovered someone selling 3d prints of my designs on eBay. This is in direct breach of the 'private use license' in which my designs are sold under which prohibits people from taking my design and either selling the files or printing and selling 3d models of them. I have reported them on many many occasions and eBay has been appalling at not only ignoring my reports but also closing them without so much of a real human looking at them (all done by AI). While I try to get through to a human at eBay this seller is making a fortune of my work. Hopefully through this post I can get through to an actual human. 


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Breach of design rights on a sold item

Have you looked in to this to stop it perhaps, or if you hold a licence then the owner of the licence? Get it put on to the Vero  programme.


Sadly AI is what it is... Not very good. This link here will get you a call back or online chat. Personally with something of this nature may be best to wait to early morning when you stand a better chance of getting someone in Dublin. Lines open at 8am.



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