worldwide listings

Why can I no longer just click on the Worldwide button when listing an item?  There was a time when it was sufficient to do this and deal with any international sales individually, calculating the postage as required for each item and destination, and conferring with each buyer about the details if required.


However, it now seems to be necessary to weigh each item in advance and calculate the cost of sending to every potential destination.  


This problem started months ago and the situation remains the same.  I spent a couple of hours on the phone to e-bay, but the advisors, who passed me on to other departments several times, only seemed to reitorate the former.  In fact, I was left feeling that they didn't know what I was talking about.  I'm sure that I'm loosing international sales as a result, and indeed, e-bay is also loosing out on final value fees.


Am I doing something wrong, or has the system changed?  Does anyone understand what I mean?  Any answers, please

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