27-09-2020 9:39 AM
Why did you leave it so long? EBay's time limit to claim a refund is just 30 days! Surely 15 years as a member is long enough to have learned the rules?
You can still file a dispute under Paypal's longer, 180 day buyer protection policy, see: https://www.paypal.com/uk/smarthelp/article/what-if-i-didn%27t-receive-my-item-or-it%27s-not-as-adve...
It's too late for eBay but you can open a case with Paypal. Log into your Paypal account and click on Contact Us (at bottom of page) > Resolution Centre (near bottom of next page) > Report a Problem > select the payment in question > continue > I didn't receive an item I purchased > Submit. Escalate after 2 days and within 20 days.