Verified listing removed

I had a listing verified by Chanel in 2018. I still have the 6 emails and all the proof. It was removed today by Ebay. When i phoned they said it was reported by Chanel ....why would Chanel report something that they had verified. I deliberately listed this for 4 years because i had a feeling this day would come and it did.

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Answers (3)

Nothing's changed since you asked this same Question 2 weeks ago. The directive is not targeted at you. Channel are signed up to Ebay's VERO Programme because they do not want their Products Sold on here. You need to Sell it somewhere else. 

Experienced Mentor

Unfortunately you can complain all you want, ebay won't care.

Do not attempt to relist item or ebay may suspend your account.


eBay publish a list of companies participating in the VeRO program so that sellers can check if the brand owner of the item they are planning to sell is one of the participating companies.

I suspect that the brand owner was happy to verify the authenticity of the item should you wish to sell the item somewhere else other than eBay.