Buyer wants to return item

Hello the buyer wants to return an item that she says is damaged which it is not she abused me with emails and not telling me Iv riped her off with postage so I sent her the receipt which clearly states I paid £4.85 for postage the rest of the money was for covering item up to post 

she said there was dog and cat hair on dress Iv offered to pay cleaning bill as I don't even have an animal 

then I relised the dress was next to my fur jacket Iv had to take all my listings down through this abuse off of her

i don't need the hag of it all not the abuse

i no sometimes people want things for nothing Iv done every think I can to help the situation Iv offered her a cleaning cost Iv offered her to return item back to me and once I receive item I shall give full refund 

I certainly do not need to be abused buy this buyer 

I don't except returns anyway and I certainly don't need her emails of abuse saying Iv ripped her off with postage and that

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