Why am I a diabetic?

The temptation was just too strong - with my wife having strawberries and fresh cream, I decided to have a cream tea.  Didn't have any scones - I don't like them.  They tend to have too much flour which sets my teeth on edge, but rummaging through the cupboard I came across a pack of criossants and had one with butter, jam and a disgusting amount of self-clotted creamSmiley Very Happy i.e. a small tub of double cream poured into a bowl and whisked using an electric whisker.  It alters the chemistry of the cream - it will suddenly clot after a minute, and that is it.  You know it's done when you can turn the bowl upside down without losing anything.  It creates about half a pint of clotted cream which is, of course, totally impossible to finish.  Just one croissant with seedless strawberry jam and clotted cream has made me so bloated, I can't even move.  Going to have to wash it down with a cup of tea.  Had to wash my face because it was all in my beard and moustache!  God, if only I'd had my camera with me!  My nurse would have thrown me out of the hospital had she seen it.


If you're gonna go out, go out with a bang.Smiley LOL

Message 1 of 24
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Why am I a diabetic?

@ilove2patch wrote:

What sweetener do you both use? Whatever I try leaves an aftertaste that I find unpleasant.

I only use it for sweetening food and not in drinks, but I use canderel or Tesco's own which seems very similar.


Framage frais with sweetener is another good alternative to cream.

Next mood swing in 6 minutes

Message 21 of 24
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Why am I a diabetic?

I bought Stevia as it's natural but I don't like it. I might go back to Splenda as that is the most bearable one!

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 22 of 24
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Why am I a diabetic?

Hi all...can I just tell you 


STEVIA  is FATAL  to animals, even drinking tea dregs can kill your dog . Keep Stevia chocolate well hidden as well.

Message 23 of 24
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Why am I a diabetic?

In the month I cut out everything I used Sweetex.  I've since given up any sweetener in tea.  In fact, none of us have sugar or sweeteners in our tea.  Cafes invariably put too much milk in my tea,  so to avoid this problem, when we go into a cafe I order two teas, a black coffee for myself, and a glass of milk.  My daughter is the other way - she likes her tea really milky, so she can (discretely!) add as much milk as she likes and then one of us will just casually drink a glass of milk with our meal.  Problem solved Smiley Happy

Message 24 of 24
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