
I hope that where the weather is doing it's worst that people are safe.  Where I live, we don't normally have extremes of weather but it's beginning to flood just over a mile away from where I live.  There is what is called a mere on one side of a wall and that is overflowing on to a road and into a housing estate.  On our estate, luckily, there are no water courses.  


As I have said, I hope that everyone is safe.

Message 1 of 16
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we have astream that runs through te garden and into the Dee and that river is on a red warning so am keeping an eye on it


Luckily only ever been flooded out of the house twice so far

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
Message 2 of 16
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My SIL rang at about 3pm, said she’d had a flood warning and asked my OH if he’d go and give her a hand shifting stuff upstairs.


She’s only a couple of miles away from us and quite close to Manchester city centre.


There was just a trickle of water running down the road when he got there and half an hour later it was so deep that he couldn’t drive back; now the water is in the house and they are trapped upstairs.


It all happened so quickly.


They can hear police sirens and a helicopter, but nobody has been to help yet.


All around me there are reports of explosions and sink holes appearing nearby on the M62.


Where I am it’s quite high up and everyone is partying and I’m so worried I don’t know what to do with myself, it’s quite surreal.

Message 3 of 16
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I feel for you Rell.  It must be awful.  I hope that your SIL gets some help soon.  


An aunt and uncle of mine live about four miles away from me and if it rains much more where they are, they'll be flooded.


The nearest water course to me is about a mile away so we aren't too bad but I really feel for anyone affected by this horrendous weather.

Message 4 of 16
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Thanks Books x

I hope your auntie and uncle will be ok too.

It’s just started raining again here, sigh.


Message 5 of 16
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You're welcome Rell.  It's been raining again here for about the last hour or so.  


Fingers crossed that everyone will be safe.

Message 6 of 16
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Oh rell6634 what a worry for you but the emergency services are out in force and doing a great job so am sure your family will be safe and well if a little water logged xxxx

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
Message 7 of 16
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hope everything is OK Stan, how's the stream?

I believe we were trapped in the village this afternoon, and one of the bridges on our dog walk has been washed away, a wooden one.

The main road to Llandudno here is closed too, oooh it's all happening. We have a river about 30yds from us but so far it's not breached. If it does it floods the road across from us. We are about 15ft higher than them so we don't have that worry......yet!!!!


Message 8 of 16
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Hope that you don't get flooded CB.  


I have a cousin who lives in Kendal.  I'm not certain exactly whereabouts in Kendal but it must be high up because he's not been flooded.  However, a couple of weeks ago, you couldn't get in or out of Kendal it was that bad. 

Message 9 of 16
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@stan3502 wrote:
Oh rell6634 what a worry for you but the emergency services are out in force and doing a great job so am sure your family will be safe and well if a little water logged xxxx

Yep, I know. Thanks Stan x

They are evacuating people living nearer to the river at the mo.

It was just so unexpected, that’s all.

The last time she was flooded out was in 1948.

Message 10 of 16
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I've been watching the flood situation on TV and really feel for the poor people affected.


Which stream is that Stan? I thought you lived "high up"? I live on top of a ridge (Guess which Stan? S..hill) so the water would have to be hundreds of feet deep to flood me.


I wonder if those people who go on about "The Environment" and are totally opposed to the dredging of rivers and watercourses are keeping a low profile while the flooding is taking place?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 11 of 16
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Update: The water started to recede at around 11pm last night and was gone by this morning.


So it’s just a case of mopping up, removing carpet etc. and drying out now.


OH managed to nurse the car home this morning, but it’s not very well.


A warning light is showing on the dash and the alarm keeps going off so he’s had to disconnect the battery.


Don’t know whether the car will recover but we’ve been so very fortunate compared to others.

The community spirit has been amazing with everyone looking out for each other, even one of our neighbours has been down there to help.

I really appreciate the support and kind words from posters on here. It was particularly worrying with an elderly person not in the best of health being involved.

So, thank you guys Cat Happy


Message 12 of 16
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Hopefully they can take the car into the garage, dry the electronics out and it will be ok. I know when I was in the motor trade and got called out to a breakdown through a car being overcome by water that is what we did and it was ok after that so fingers crossed for you.

Message 13 of 16
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Cheers DC, will definitely give that a go.

We have a great garage which we trust, so I’ll give them a ring on Tuesday and see what’s what. Cat Happy

Message 14 of 16
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Hope that you can get your car sorted on Tuesday Rell.  Hope that your elderly neighbour is alright.


Everywhere is dry around here at the moment.  As luck we didn't get flooded.  I feel heartily sorry for all the people affected by this horrible weather.

Message 15 of 16
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Hope that everyone is safe in this awful weather.  It's blowing a gale here and we have very strong winds and it looks like it's been raining too.

Message 16 of 16
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