Hello and update on RAVSCA

Hello everyone - particularly those who have bought items to support Raising Awareness of Victim and Survivors of Child Abuse (RAVSCA).


With your help, I sent £50 to one of the RAVSCA named charities,  You can see the donation here: https://www.justgiving.com/Carl-RAVSCA


NAPAC and Southmead are working closely with victims of child sex abuse so that they are better able to speak to the police (IF they want to).  Carl asked me to send the £50 to a RAVSCA supported charity rather than help to fund the picture/poetry/photographic event that he is planning. Child Abuse Survivors are having to be helped to face their past. 


We should hold Carl in awe! He spoke to the police last year and re-lived his experiences at the hands of VIP abusers whilst giving witness testimony. He is now healing by trying to raise awareness of this heinous crime against children. It didn't stop in the 60's, 70's, 80s - it is still going on today.


The decision not to prosecute Lord Janner has really thrown victims/survivors into a downward spiral. But Carl is keeping the plans going. The first London venue and date has not been finalised yet, but we know that the exhibition will go to Wales as the 2nd venue.  (Venue agreed, date TBC).


I am in contact with a very famous Manchester venue - asking them to be the 3rd one (for FREE).


Can I tell you the Ghandi statement that the child abuse victims/survivors are sharing?


First they ignore you,

Then they laugh at you.

Then they fight you.

Then you win!


Thank you once again who is supporting RAVSCA sales.  You are truly making a difference


Anne xx


P.S. I have got a lovely box of blankies and gifts started for YCR - I crochet every night to empty my mind!  (15 blankies made so far)


P.P.S. Money for Oldies was sent March 2015 but Liz (Chaldon) says that Biker can't send 'thank you' as she has RL challenges.













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Hello and update on RAVSCA

Sounds a right weirdo this Carl chap
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