Hello Mrs Stan - Naughty Girl

heart  syml, y, gorau  heart


Thank you cariad for thinking of me heart

Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Strange days indeed, strange days indeed,
Most peculiar Mamma.....................................
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Hello Mrs Stan - Naughty Girl

eich bod yn croesawu heart Just a shame I can't pop Mr R.V.P in an envelope for you so easily Smiley Wink

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
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Hello Mrs Stan - Naughty Girl

Ooooh I wish Woman Tongue


What about the wee boy from Cardiff though?  The boy done good - I wonder how they'll play him with Ronaldo? Visit to Madrid calls.


We played like girls at the weekend, I was livid.  No service to RVP - none.


I hope the Welsh was right, I got it from my neighbour Robin, who likes a wee sherry or ten in the evening, lol.  But really thanks, you cheered me up no end.

Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Strange days indeed, strange days indeed,
Most peculiar Mamma.....................................
Message 3 of 4
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Hello Mrs Stan - Naughty Girl

Your Cymru is perfect (maybe you need to get him on the gin instead*wink wink)


My gawd I screamed like a banshee during that liverpool game and still could'nt get the blighters to play like they wanted it, lets hope this isn't a preview for the rest of the season


Think Gareth Bale is an amazing player but wow what a transfer fee............................. could keep me in yankee's for a while LOL

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
Message 4 of 4
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