Community Ranking system

Community Ranking system

Mentors, Champion , Guide, Engager, Conversationalist, Contributor, Member, Helper , Advisor, etc - 

I must assume the title must reflect some form of experience or knowledge, or access to higher authorities.


where can i see what the various title ranks members are allocated as it appears to have changed since the concept of 'Mentors'

and are they all unpaid as was originally stated?

Message 1 of 70
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Community Ranking system

ranks are here:-


Community Ranks - UK eBay Community


and mentors are not paid for their contributions to the community

Message 2 of 70
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Community Ranking system

The OP has an obsession about experts/mentors being paid, and also seems to think that they have powers to 'see' more than other ebay users. I have given up trying to tell them that there is no payment and no 'special insights'!

Message 3 of 70
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Community Ranking system

Who cares?  I come on here to see what is happening in the rest of the e bay world, to find answers to any queries that i may have and sometimes to moan.  What they tag me as is irrelevant!     As for being paid/unpaid, again who actually cares?  If the information someone is seeking is given then that is all that matters.  You can get a good variety of answers on here and it is up to you if you decide to follow the advice of one person or another (or none)

Message 4 of 70
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Community Ranking system

I find the whole concept strange and unecessary. 

Message 5 of 70
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Community Ranking system

I was under the impression the Mentors were introduced to replace none UK based CS - due to a variety of reasons, mainly economical on ebays part.


The issue of paid or not helps determine the slope of information given, in that no bias is obvious.

My own tag , i care not for, its nothing i asked for, but what it represents i know what.

Tags for others , a respected Mentor who has practical experience can be viewed with more certainty than a 'novice' rank. 

Deciding on what advice is good and what not may be very costly, both in financial and time terms. As seen when advice maybe simply offering what the asker is percieved wants to hear. 

I have had terrible advice given at times, knowing the source can only assist.

Message 6 of 70
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Community Ranking system

@a45heaven wrote:


Deciding on what advice is good and what not may be very costly, both in financial and time terms.

Hence the following disclaimer at the bottom of the page linked earlier:


"It is important to note that ranks are based off community activity alone and are not based on eBay buying or selling activity. The ranks use community actions and do not take levels of eBay knowledge into account."

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Message 7 of 70
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Community Ranking system

there is a separate 'ebay expert' program where the 'experts' are paid to give advice


you access these 'experts' through the 'ask an expert' option that appears on different pages on the site:-





this is a completely different system to the community, members of the community are not paid to give advice, we do it because we like to help people!

Message 8 of 70
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Community Ranking system

My advice is....forget the silly titles.    Its the quality/relevance of the answer that is important.


Message 9 of 70
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Community Ranking system

"It is important to note that ranks are based off community activity alone and are not based on eBay buying or selling activity. The ranks use community actions and do not take levels of eBay knowledge into account."


OK we live, we learn -  i thought id seen a tab to apply for  the 'Mentor' programme, which has obviously thrown me.

What exactly are community actions and what is the pecking order of the titles, and how can one progress?

Message 10 of 70
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Community Ranking system

@a45heaven wrote:

....What exactly are community actions and what is the pecking order of the titles, and how can one progress?

It's a useless system like the previous one where members were deemed to be 'experienced' after making 100 posts. Those posts could have been pure codswallop and folk would think they know what they are talking about with the 'experienced' moniker attached to their ID. 


The new system is just as useless. Nobody has bothered to learn the ranking of the titles so nobody actually knows which one is 'higher' than another. There's also a gazillion of them. 


It's the quality of the posts and the advice given which is important. 

Condragulations, you are the winner of this week's challenge!
Message 12 of 70
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Community Ranking system

Sorry im confused - maybe 6 months back 'Experts' titles were replaced by 'Mentor' titles - i seem to recall your title rank has also changed very recently.

Do i take it its a reward for your practical knowledge base?

As for financial renumeration, i was told and since then promote the Mentor title as unpaid. 

The title is something i have respected as a source of good information, but i was asking what has changed now, in that Mentor has more 'higher' ranks in the pecking order?

Message 13 of 70
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Community Ranking system

Mentors were previously known as Community Experts before Ebays decided to change the title.


Over to Pixie, if she wishes, to answer the rest of the question 😁


Mittens time again for me.

Message 14 of 70
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Community Ranking system

they changed the community titles to 'mentor' instead of 'expert' because too many people were getting the two completely separate things mixed up!


the 'expert' program is a paid service and people can apply to be an expert, take a test, and if they pass they get paid to answer questions asked through the 'ask an expert' link


here on the community there is an option to apply to be a 'mentor',


if you are deemed 'knowlegeable' enough you are invited to join the 'mentor' program, are given the title of 'mentor' and you are allowed to answer questions on the 'member to member' board,


mentors are NOT paid for answering any questions in the community

Message 15 of 70
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Community Ranking system

Pixie gave you the link to the ranking and what they "mean" but here it is again



Community Ranks - UK eBay Community



Message 16 of 70
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Community Ranking system

Thanks for the link - im sorry i missed it first time - it looks a tad complex, rather 'American' in style, and after reading what 'Tat' wrote, its not what i thought it to be, indeed its a little disapointing to my original thought 😞


Hope youre feeling better - thanks again

Message 17 of 70
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Community Ranking system

@a45heaven wrote: looks a tad complex, rather 'American' in style....

That's exactly what it is, American. 


See here what some posters think: 

Condragulations, you are the winner of this week's challenge!
Message 18 of 70
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Community Ranking system

For the most part they are pretty meaningless.


When mine said Advisor it made a little sense but now apparently I'm a Specialist whatever that means.

Message 19 of 70
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Community Ranking system

You are welcome and thanks for asking about my health.   A bit better but still lots of physio needed.

Message 20 of 70
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