Account restricted indefinitely



ive been permanently restricted for no apparent reason, I've sent of the documents such as proof of merchandise on several occasions and this morning was sent an email stating my account would be permanently restricted. I've had the account for over 8 years sold 44k items and recently wanted to start selling again. I'm thinking of writing to the CEO but can anyone else provide any advice?

Message 1 of 9
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Account restricted indefinitely

Are you allowed to still buy on there, Im going through the same thing now but what they've said is my account is restricted indefinitely but I can buy products on eBay and message but I can't sell on there which is a joke, so basically I can spend money but can't make money on there.

I sent more than enough invoices and receipts and then they sent me that email, there cheeky to be honest.

Message 2 of 9
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Account restricted indefinitely

Mate exactly the same thing happened I can't fathom why they've done that. Honestly, it's bonkers I've had this account for 8 years sold over 44k items and suddenly they hit me with this. They're a joke to be honest and my understanding is the same they'll let you buy stuff but won't let you sell. The worst thing about the whole process is you can't even have a conversation with a human being to try and attempt to make right whatever it is you've don't wrong allegedly.

Message 3 of 9
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Account restricted indefinitely

Mate the way how I see it now I don't even want nothing to do with them because the make the rules up as they go along and they always breach the contract a prime example is we had to point out to them this morning about there user agreement and the point we made is we said to them do they agree is only 17 categories in the user agreement they agreed.

We then mentioned in point 11 ( RESTRICTING FUNDS) Where does is state they can hold your funds for any amount of days if your account is restricted or suspended, There answer to that was there contract does not go in to such details, We then brought up the fact that your in breach of our agreement contract because the actions your taking are not even part of the policy so im holding you in breach of the contract.

You think they had anything to say about that, just because I enter your platform they think they can do what they want. 
They couldn't even explain why our contract is so vague in defining a lot of things for example RESTRICTING FUNDS.

There a joke seriously.

Message 4 of 9
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Account restricted indefinitely

Mate I'm telling you they're a joke, like honestly I can't understand at all why they would take such measures. I only started selling again this past month and sold 7 items, provided them with an invoice and they're like send me another invoice. I'm like I've only sold 7 items low value I've provided all the info you need, help me understand why you've given me an indefinite ban. They are only accountable to themselves which is the biggest problem. Anyhow before I digress I'll give you an email to contact see if they can help they're the executive escalations team I'll give you advance warning though I contacted them and they still said their decision to ban me indefinitely was correct so don't rely on it but it's worth sending an email. I just don't really understand their process, I can't understand the violation reasons and nor work they tell us. You'd like to think if you've don't something wrong you get an opportunity to put it right but if you don't know what's wrong how can you put it right in the first place.

Message 5 of 9
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Account restricted indefinitely

Mate they think there smart but I definitely ain't gonna let it go until I get my money off them as that's my main issue because they've restricted my account so I can't sell on there indefinitely which is ok they can keep there account eBay is to much headache now fees etc , My solicitor called me today and stated to me that his found numerous flaws in there so called contract with myself we both said that this is an old out dated contract that doesn't state a lot of things especially when we dissected the PAYMENT TERMS OF USE section that's a joke as well so we come at them today with the hold section and it does not say anywhere that they can hold your money with in reason especially when it comes to the issue I'm taking up with them.

What I've noticed is they actually think that nobody takes the time to read there out of date contract that does not even state that eBay can't take certain actions , if your in a contract with anyone for example if you don't pay your mortgage we will repossess your property.

We had them on the phone backtracking , Then there saying they can't comment on legal issues and also they are not even trying to refer to the contract or the user agreement .

So now I've gave them 5 days to resolve this or they will be held accountable for breaching the contract.

There just cheeky but we'll see now.

Message 6 of 9
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Account restricted indefinitely

Yh keep me posted I may need to follow the same path. At the moment doesn't look like I'm getting anywhere.

Message 7 of 9
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Account restricted indefinitely

For sure I'll keep you updated, the one thing I will say to you is there probably saying they don't accept your invoices or receipts you have to be careful what you submit because they will use words like the need to see proof of purchase and then they will deny your invoices until you draw it out of them (like what I done) that it's actually receipts there looking for these are the tactics they use. 
But if I was you , check the terms and conditions and the user agreement to see if the action that they have taken against you is actually in there so called contract if it's not then they have breached the contract. What eBay are doing to everyone is there taking action against everyone but these actions are not stated anywhere in the contract between you and them so you have to go through everything and it's only when you start to go in to you realise that this contract is basic and they don't explain half of the actions they take against anyone.

Message 8 of 9
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Account restricted indefinitely

I've had the same issue as well, they requested some invoices, and then more. Come to find out they have restricted my account. I submitted all the proof of merchandise, etc and they hadn't even checked it and then later on my account was restricted. They are a joke of a company, I was also a victim of fraudulent returns, a customer bought a pair of electronics, I sent him a free replacement, then he asked for a refund and sent back broken parts of the peices and and kept the replacement then eBay sided with the customer and gave him a free refund. I hope someone files a lawsuit against this company one day, they way they operate is unacceptable. 

Message 9 of 9
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