Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 22.01.25 @2pm

Hi everybody!


The Community Chat will open at 2pm and will remain open until 3pm on Wednesday. After that it will be closed for further questions. Of course, we will continue to take care of answering any questions that may still be unanswered—We’ll get to everything as quickly as possible.


Please ask your questions in the thread below. In order to be able to answer your questions as quickly as possible, we ask you to have one question per post. Of course, you can make as many posts as you like in the Chat- the more the merrier!


Our eBay Community Team is made up of kat@ebay, marco@ebay and dave@ebay. Between us, we have knowledge in Buying, Selling, Fulfilment, Payments, and the Community itself. Anything we aren’t sure on we’ll know the people who will be! Please ask us any questions you may have and we’ll do all we can to support. We understand that certain topics, such as concerns about businesses possibly using private accounts, can be frustrating and important to you. Please refrain from asking the same question repeatedly in our weekly live chats. We assure you that we carefully review all posts in the forum and ensure that your concerns are communicated to the relevant teams for appropriate action.
To maintain a constructive and community environment, posts that repeatedly breach this guideline may be removed. Continued violations could result in further action against your community account. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in helping us keep our community focused and respectful.


To ask your question, click Reply in the lower-right corner of this post, type your question, and click Reply between 2pm and 3pm. The community team will answer each incoming question in chronological order and will quote the original question in each answer.


Please note that any reply without a question to the community team or discussion replies may be removed from the chat. We want to keep on track to get through as many questions as possible. We welcome all discussion to be moved to the discussion boards.


If you missed the weekly chat time, please ask your question in the community boards and tag us or we will be back next week with another chat!


Many thanks,

Your eBay Community Team

Available via Email for Community-related inquiries:
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 22.01.25 @2pm

Thanks for that, fatbobfan.


We are unable to check different accounts due to privacy and security reasons. However, checking the listing in question you provided above, it shows that you do ship to you Europe. I am not saying that is specifically why you're getting this, but that would be at least one reason. Please see screenshot below of the listing in question.


Thank you,





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Message 41 of 47
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 22.01.25 @2pm


Try this 



Message 42 of 47
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 22.01.25 @2pm

@parsley2003 wrote:

I post letters overseas and many of those are now down as tracked ridiculous prices £2.75 uk £8.00 USA someone contacted me about it last night. Have sorted the parcel items but now how many single postcards are wrong? That is the question. What is happening is that we are being added to things without our knowledge like Global Shipping so we don't even know we have to opt out until there is a complaint. I had terrible abuse from someone in USA last year because i would not send a doll. I am taking it off gradually and putting in sets before Ebay add £10 to 10 postcards as it won't combine multiple orders from the same buyer on 4/2. 

Hi @parsley2003 ,


I'm sorry to hear of the experience your having to fix the postage options. I know the auto opt in to Global shipping was raised before and resolved but I will share this again with our shipping team.


Thank you,


Message 43 of 47
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 22.01.25 @2pm

@555njp wrote:

@cobwebcottage wrote:

Hello All,

Am I right in thinking that the multi quantity listings are ending for private sellers? If so, when does this take effect as there are still plenty of sellers on private accounts who have multi listings?


Can I ask if this is correct too? Or, is there confusion between multi-quantity and multi-variation?

I ask as a business operating on a private account (which I have reported) still has plenty of multi-quantity listings running, thanks.

Hi @555njp 


Sometimes when we make changes like this, we allow listings to run their course and automatically end when they renew. Its possibly what's happening in this case. 




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Message 44 of 47
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 22.01.25 @2pm

@cobwebcottage wrote:

Hello All,

Am I right in thinking that the multi quantity listings are ending for private sellers? If so, when does this take effect as there are still plenty of sellers on private accounts who have multi listings?


Hi, just to confirm, this did end on January 20th (2 days ago). Thanks for help british-ceramics-and-paintings 🙂



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Message 45 of 47
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 22.01.25 @2pm

@1956glyn wrote:

I have tried but am not even getting the crayon to change it or even the option to add a pictures 😞

Hi @1956glyn 


If it's not allowing to change it on the community log in to that account on www.ebay.co.uk and click the dropdown in the top left of the page. You should have an option to Edit your profile on the right side of the page. The image should then have the pencil on it and you can upload to there. It will then copy across to the community, 




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Message 46 of 47
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 22.01.25 @2pm

kat@ebay wrote:

@hartberry wrote:


We are trying to open an eBay charity page.  We are about to list our trustees but see that you require their National Insurance numbers.  Why do you need this?  We are a business and have given our trading bank account plus VAT number, plus you can find us on Companies House.  Will you be retro-actively asking this of all the charities that sell on eBay.

Hi @hartberry ,


Thank you for the question. This kind of detail would normally be for security reasons but what  I will do is get some clarification from our charity team. Once I get that I will update you.


Thank you,


Hi @hartberry ,


After following up with the charity team they have explained that all the information shared during registration allows eBay to send your payouts and comply with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) obligations, which helps keep eBay a trusted marketplace. 


Our data security procedures ensure that the information you share with us is safe. We’ll use and share the information you submit as described in the Payments Terms of Use. Learn more about how eBay protects your personal information in our User Privacy Notice. For more information, please visit Managed Payments.


It also helps to prevent other users from fraudulently onboarding and misrepresenting their organisation.


Thank you,


Message 47 of 47
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About this Weekly Chat!

Welcome to the Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team! Unless otherwise noted, chats occur every Wednesday from 2pm to 3pm.

Our Community Team will be in the Chats to help with the questions.

If you have multiple questions please open a post per question so we can get back to them individually. If it's something we can't answer right away we will get back to you after the chat has finished.