Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 06.12.23 @2pm

Hi everybody!


The Community Chat will open at 2pm and will remain open until 3pm on Wednesday. After that it will be closed for further questions. Of course, we will continue to take care of answering any questions that may still be unanswered—We’ll get to everything as quickly as possible. 


Please ask your questions in the thread below. In order to be able to answer your questions as quickly as possible, we ask you to have one question per post. Of course, you can make as many posts as you like in the Chat- the more the merrier!


Our eBay Community Team is made up of marco@ebay, katie@ebay and anita@ebay. Between us, we have knowledge in Buying, Selling, Fulfilment, Payments, and the Community itself. Anything we aren’t sure on we’ll know the people who will be! Please ask us any questions you may have and we’ll do all we can to support. 


To ask your question, click Reply in the lower-right corner of this post, type your question, and click Reply between 2pm and 3pm. The community team will answer each incoming question in chronological order, and will quote the original question in each answer. Some questions may not be suitable for this weekly chat, as it closes after 1 hour. If you have a long question or one that requires a lot of investigation please write a discussion post on the boards and tag our team members. 


Please note that any reply without a question to the community team or discussion replies may be removed from the chat. We want to keep on track to get through as many questions as possible. We welcome all discussion to be moved to the discussion boards. 


If you missed the weekly chat time, please ask your question in the community boards and tag us or we will be back next week with another chat! 


Many thanks,

Your eBay Community Team

Available via Email for Community-related inquiries:
Message 1 of 50
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 06.12.23 @2pm

Are we all wasting our time reporting duplicate listings, as the team that "check them" don't seem to know how to implement the policy.

I have asked about this a lot and been trying to get the bottom of why reporting them does nothing. I have been trying to help solve the issue for in excess of 7 years now and I am at the point of this is my last chance asking for eBay to see how serious this is and actually DO something!!


I have even had calls with some eBay team members that were horrified by the abuse of these policies by some users, then assisted me reporting them and followed up a few times and the listings still remained, much to the surprise of the eBay team member.


So it is obvious to anyone that the Trust and Safety team that are looking at them do not know what is wrong.

They just look and see a different title, so say it is different and leave it.


That is destroying eBay for buyers

That is destroying eBay for sellers

That is destroying eBay for eBay


When will someone answer my questions regarding this other than the cut and paste rhetoric of "keep doing what you are doing, it all makes a difference"


It does not make any difference whatsoever, so please stop saying it does until you have actually looked at why it makes no difference!!



We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
- Albert Einstein
Message 41 of 50
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 06.12.23 @2pm

@pg_kicks wrote:

Hi Katie,


Thanks for the reply, I'm not sure if its just me but I dont really understand what you have just said, are you to saying the reporting feature is working fine and dandy, or just that you and the other team members dont really know how it works (very understandable) and just that the reporting team are working very hard but the system isnt set up for the amount of reports so is clearly failing as I have been reporting policy violations for months and the accounts are still active?


We were told previously that eBay deal with the most serious reports first, is this still the case? Obviously you may not even know but certainly wont tell us what eBay deem as serious, but I'd have thought selling fake goods would be pretty serious. 


I apologise if I come across aggressive or annoyed, but I am trying to make eBay a safer place for people to buy and sell but I feel like I'm hitting my head off a brick wall as we (as customers of eBay) keep getting copy and paste replies like we are a not worthy of a genuine reply when we are just trying to help put out a fire as it seems certain parts of eBay dont care how fast it burns.


like I have offered numerous times I'm more than happy to send a list of accounts to anyone who wishes to take ownership of the issue from eBays side and help create a safe and trustworthy platform for both buyers and sellers.


PS thank you for the none copy and paste anwer.

Thanks for your reply @pg_kicks.


I'm trying to be transparent with you and share all the information I can about the system. I do have to be mindful that this is a public platform and by providing detailed information I could unintentionally help someone avoid the system.


Our team is aware of how the system works and does connect with the reporting team. More serious reporting reasons are looked at first and they are given to agents based on their priority. For example, a dangerous item would be seen quicker than a used item being marked as new.


We all have the same objective here and we have been gathering information about members experience when they do report a listing. With DSA coming in you will begin to get replies from our teams about any action being taken on your report. We will continue to gather sentiment about this experience from you, and other members of our community, so we can help to make the site safer overall.


I hope this helps to explain our situation here and why we may not be able to go into further detail about specific reports, items, or accounts.




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Message 42 of 50
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 06.12.23 @2pm

Hi all,


I'm a bit late and haven't had time to read through the posts so not sure if this has been discussed. I am having issues with business postage policies. It keeps defaulting to one policy. When I change it, if I am not quick enough to list the item, it reverts back which is so annoying when I am selecting one with postage and the default is free postage.

Message 43 of 50
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 06.12.23 @2pm

@rwl1001 wrote:

Hi Marco

Screenshot attached.

This happens when I click the nectar link on the screenshot. I'm trying to link my nectar account to my ebay account

Hi rwl1001, thanks for that.


You'd get that error when you are using an account that was not originally registered on the UK site, I've just checked for you and your account was not originally registered on the UK site. So, you won't be able to use the Nectar program with this account as it was originally registered in a different region. You can only use Nectar with accounts that were originally registered on the UK site.


Thank you,


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Message 44 of 50
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 06.12.23 @2pm

@returns_andexdisplay wrote:

I appreciate your concern. Since EDDs are dynamic, it takes into consideration history and performance of your shipping time. If you post your items on the first day of handling time, it will take it into consideration, as well as courier performance, and when items are being delivered.





Junping on this reply. 


EDD does not work for a small business. When are ebay going to understand that what my working pattern was 2 weeks ago where I might be able to dispach quicker will not be the same today or this week if I am businer or have other things to deal with. Please let us manage our own shipping expecations. Thought that is the whole point of allowing business to create shipping policies with courier and shipping dispatch was so we can create our own shipping expecations. 


I understand how something will be delivered quicker to someone  20 miles away as opposed to someone the other end of the country.  But ebay is continually showing unrealistic delivery times before an item is due to be shipped creating issues between buyers and sellers. 

Hi @returns_andexdisplay, thanks for your post.


I appreciate where you are coming from and that things can change. However, if this happens and you won't be able to ship items as quick as before, the dynamic calculation will take that into consideration.




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Message 45 of 50
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 06.12.23 @2pm

@risalvage2022 wrote:

Thanks for super quick reply Marco! all comes down to 'definition' of enough tracking information then and criteria? there's a signature of someone but not me, my printed surname in capitals under it and no parcel and no card.  Not sent by me with my address but missing part of house name.  Is that sufficient delivery info to initiate a refund to customer, I've tried to ask them on a chat but they said we can help you more on the 13th of December and try to resolve matters for me.  Meaning shut up, we are going to refund and they you will have a fight on your hands.  Will they rely on her old proof of delivery or wait until she uploads new proof of return using their provided label of today, (which is never going to happen as she has already said she has sent item back so she has no item to send).  Do humans deal with these returns or all automated?  I can of course let you know what happens too.

Thanks for your rerply, risalvage2022.


I wouldn't be able to guarantee you anything as of now, as I haven't reviewed the case myself to see where exactly we are standing here in terms of seller protection. However, to give you an idea, we are unable to step in before 3 full business days have passed, and what we normally recommend is to follow the returns procedure, which you can find here. Just let me know if the case is not decided in your favor, and I will be happy to review that for you and take actions accordingly based on the evidence available to the case at that time.


Thank you,


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Message 46 of 50
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 06.12.23 @2pm

@cobwebcottage wrote:

Hi all,


I'm a bit late and haven't had time to read through the posts so not sure if this has been discussed. I am having issues with business postage policies. It keeps defaulting to one policy. When I change it, if I am not quick enough to list the item, it reverts back which is so annoying when I am selecting one with postage and the default is free postage.

Hi cobwebcottage, thanks for your post.


Could you please create a thread on this and tag me on it, so I can review that for you? Let me know if it's happening with a specific items or with all of them, and I will get back to you before the end of the day.


Thank you,


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Message 47 of 50
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 06.12.23 @2pm

@ducatimondo wrote:

Are we all wasting our time reporting duplicate listings, as the team that "check them" don't seem to know how to implement the policy.

I have asked about this a lot and been trying to get the bottom of why reporting them does nothing. I have been trying to help solve the issue for in excess of 7 years now and I am at the point of this is my last chance asking for eBay to see how serious this is and actually DO something!!


I have even had calls with some eBay team members that were horrified by the abuse of these policies by some users, then assisted me reporting them and followed up a few times and the listings still remained, much to the surprise of the eBay team member.


So it is obvious to anyone that the Trust and Safety team that are looking at them do not know what is wrong.

They just look and see a different title, so say it is different and leave it.


That is destroying eBay for buyers

That is destroying eBay for sellers

That is destroying eBay for eBay


When will someone answer my questions regarding this other than the cut and paste rhetoric of "keep doing what you are doing, it all makes a difference"


It does not make any difference whatsoever, so please stop saying it does until you have actually looked at why it makes no difference!!



Hi @ducatimondo, thanks for your post.


I appreciate your concern and to answer your question, it is not a waste of time, we appreciate you reporting these and we have teams working proactively and reactively to action those items. However, with thousands of items being listed daily some reports may take longer to review. In addition, unfortunately some violating items are being relisted after removal, so it may seem that the action was never taken. If you do see items that are violating our policies, it is definitely useful to report them and we appreciate you doing it, so the team can take the appropriate action.




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Message 48 of 50
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 06.12.23 @2pm

Hi johannadee,


After reviewing this myself, I've requested the removal of this feedback both the mark and the comment in full. Please allow 24-72 hours for it to be fully gone from your account. Thanks for flagging this with me.



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Message 49 of 50
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Re: Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 06.12.23 @2pm

anita@ebay wrote:

@teegs123 wrote:

Good afternoon


The authentication service says it now comes with free delivery using eBay packlink.

Is it the buyer that now pays this fee when they pay? And how much does insurance cover via this method as it seems to be linked to DPD and DPD only insure up to £60 which is really low I would rather use the original royal mail signed for and tracked service due to their insurance policy? 


And do we have any explanation to why the offers for reduced fees have disappeared since February not had a single offer and it's really disappointing




Hi @teegs123, thanks for your post.



Our Authenticity guarantee is now managing the shipping and the charge is 8.95 to the buyer and you can find more information here. As for the insurance, let me double-check with the Authenticity team and come back to you on that.


In relation to the promotions these are set up by the marketing team, and we have no control over them, so unfortunately I woulnd't have an insight on this.





Hi @teegs123,


Just a quick follow up. There is no insurance for items sent via Authenticity guarantee using eBay delivery service to Authenticator. However, in case of any issues (item got damaged/lost), we would work to cover the seller (we may need to get additional information from the seller though, depending on the case, to be able to cover it from our end).




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Message 50 of 50
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About this Weekly Chat!

Welcome to the Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team! Unless otherwise noted, chats occur every Wednesday from 2pm to 3pm.

Our Community Team will be in the Chats to help with the questions.

If you have multiple questions please open a post per question so we can get back to them individually. If it's something we can't answer right away we will get back to you after the chat has finished.