Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

Hi everybody!


The Community Chat will open at 2pm and will remain open until 3pm on Wednesday. After that it will be closed for further questions. Of course, we will continue to take care of answering any questions that may still be unanswered—We’ll get to everything as quickly as possible.


Please ask your questions in the thread below. In order to be able to answer your questions as quickly as possible, we ask you to have one question per post. Of course, you can make as many posts as you like in the Chat- the more the merrier!


Our eBay Community Team is made up of kat@ebay , dave@ebay and marco@ebay . Between us, we have knowledge in Buying, Selling, Fulfilment, Payments, and the Community itself. Anything we aren’t sure on we’ll know the people who will be! Please ask us any questions you may have and we’ll do all we can to support. We understand that certain topics, such as concerns about businesses possibly using private accounts, can be frustrating and important to you. Please refrain from asking the same question repeatedly in our weekly live chats. We assure you that we carefully review all posts in the forum and ensure that your concerns are communicated to the relevant teams for appropriate action.
To maintain a constructive and community environment, posts that repeatedly breach this guideline may be removed. Continued violations could result in further action against your community account. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in helping us keep our community focused and respectful.


To ask your question, click Reply in the lower-right corner of this post, type your question, and click Reply between 2pm and 3pm. The community team will answer each incoming question in chronological order and will quote the original question in each answer.


Please note that any reply without a question to the community team or discussion replies may be removed from the chat. We want to keep on track to get through as many questions as possible. We welcome all discussion to be moved to the discussion boards.


If you missed the weekly chat time, please ask your question in the community boards and tag us or we will be back next week with another chat!


Many thanks,

Your eBay Community Team

Available via Email for Community-related inquiries:
Message 1 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

Hello, I hope you are all well this week.

With Business Sellers – what information is required to show on their listings?  So if a buyer goes into a listing and clicks on the Seller Contact Information at the bottom of a listing  – what information is required to be shown? Is it a company name, seller name, full address?  Does the business (CRN) have to be shown as well?

Message 2 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

@custom-giftsuk wrote:

Hello, I hope you are all well this week.

With Business Sellers – what information is required to show on their listings?  So if a buyer goes into a listing and clicks on the Seller Contact Information at the bottom of a listing  – what information is required to be shown? Is it a company name, seller name, full address?  Does the business (CRN) have to be shown as well?

Hi @custom-giftsuk ,


The following is what is required to be shown



Thank you,




Message 3 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

Why are private sellers still allow to list multiple quantities when they are clearly a business? 

I thought ebay was bringing in that private sellers would only be able to list one item per listing? 

256828445144 listed on 22nd Feb

Message 4 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

Thank you for that Kat, so if a seller had a false business name, no address apart from a city and no other details including company number, that would be in breach of eBay rules and should be reported yes?


Message 5 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

Good afternoon


Last week I raised an issue with regards posting, that if a buyer had purchased two items but on separate transactions we could no longer enter the same tracking number onto the second transaction.  


You may ask why we need to add the same tracking number onto the second transactions, this is because we  often have  space in the postage box to add the second transaction item in, as well as the first item.


We ALWAYS did this, now it appears eBay have decided to take this away from us, and we cannot add the same tracking number to the same buyers, second purchase.


@dave, You mentioned that you did not think eBay allowed this before, well they did, and now they do not.


Please can we have a reply as it appears all we do on here is raise concerns/issues, and all we get is, "we will look into it" 


Whom do you pass the issues on to please, as nothing ever gets resolved.


Best wishes 




Message 6 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

@custom-giftsuk wrote:

Thank you for that Kat, so if a seller had a false business name, no address apart from a city and no other details including company number, that would be in breach of eBay rules and should be reported yes?


Hi @custom-giftsuk ,


Yes you can report through the regular reporting link on site.


Thank you,


Message 7 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

A small question – there used to be a restriction on obscene or offensive items – I know that there still is as per eBay rules, but when typing in an item description to sell an item it wouldn’t allow certain words, understandably. Is this restriction still in force and if so its only certain words that aren’t allowed – ie American English offensive words but not British English words offensive words? For example using the word A**HOLE would be removed if it was in the title but the word AR*EHOLE would be ok (without the asterix but the actual words).

As a connected question – does eBay have an automatic tool that looks at the images and deems if they contain offensive images/phrases or is that a manual thing? 

Message 8 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

@oakley_home_and_gifts wrote:

Why are private sellers still allow to list multiple quantities when they are clearly a business? 

I thought ebay was bringing in that private sellers would only be able to list one item per listing? 

256828445144 listed on 22nd Feb

Hi @oakley_home_and_gifts 


I've seen some posts on this and there seems to be a bit of confusion. Private sellers are allowed to list with multiple quantities of an item but the option for multi variations in a listing has been removed. 




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Message 9 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

@lincolnshiremarine wrote:

Good afternoon


Last week I raised an issue with regards posting, that if a buyer had purchased two items but on separate transactions we could no longer enter the same tracking number onto the second transaction.  


You may ask why we need to add the same tracking number onto the second transactions, this is because we  often have  space in the postage box to add the second transaction item in, as well as the first item.


We ALWAYS did this, now it appears eBay have decided to take this away from us, and we cannot add the same tracking number to the same buyers, second purchase.


@dave, You mentioned that you did not think eBay allowed this before, well they did, and now they do not.


Please can we have a reply as it appears all we do on here is raise concerns/issues, and all we get is, "we will look into it" 


Whom do you pass the issues on to please, as nothing ever gets resolved.


Best wishes 




Hi lincolnshiremarine, thanks for your question.


We haven't had any further updates, as Dave requested an example from you to escalate it, but we never received an example. The team was made aware of the scenario you described, but when it comes down to this, we would need a couple of examples for further review. So, if you could provide 1 or 2 examples, we can pass it on, and that way  we would get a quicker and more accurate update on it.


Thank you,


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Message 10 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

What is ebays stance on Combined Postage?

The 4 day and Strike, and now the inability to send combined invoices, appear to suggest one item per package.

The work around suggested by Mentors of relisting all items as one lot and seeing if the original buyer could buy the combined lot, is rather time consuming and messy, and not least a long way from a smooth transaction to the buyer - the same definitely can be said of paying a multiple postage for the items, only to have the seller refund.

Doesn't sound very professional, and leaving the buyer having to lay out trust on the Seller performing the refund in a timely manner. 

Message 11 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

marco@ebay wrote:

@lincolnshiremarine wrote:

Good afternoon


Last week I raised an issue with regards posting, that if a buyer had purchased two items but on separate transactions we could no longer enter the same tracking number onto the second transaction.  


You may ask why we need to add the same tracking number onto the second transactions, this is because we  often have  space in the postage box to add the second transaction item in, as well as the first item.


We ALWAYS did this, now it appears eBay have decided to take this away from us, and we cannot add the same tracking number to the same buyers, second purchase.


@dave, You mentioned that you did not think eBay allowed this before, well they did, and now they do not.


Please can we have a reply as it appears all we do on here is raise concerns/issues, and all we get is, "we will look into it" 


Whom do you pass the issues on to please, as nothing ever gets resolved.


Best wishes 




Hi lincolnshiremarine, thanks for your question.


We haven't had any further updates, as Dave requested an example from you to escalate it, but we never received an example. The team was made aware of the scenario you described, but when it comes down to this, we would need a couple of examples for further review. So, if you could provide 1 or 2 examples, we can pass it on, and that way  we would get a quicker and more accurate update on it.


Thank you,


Dave has received, and acknowledged examples of this from myself.  So there are examples for the team to see. (I'm waiting for a response from Dave.)

Message 12 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

@custom-giftsuk wrote:

A small question – there used to be a restriction on obscene or offensive items – I know that there still is as per eBay rules, but when typing in an item description to sell an item it wouldn’t allow certain words, understandably. Is this restriction still in force and if so its only certain words that aren’t allowed – ie American English offensive words but not British English words offensive words? For example using the word A**HOLE would be removed if it was in the title but the word AR*EHOLE would be ok (without the asterix but the actual words).

As a connected question – does eBay have an automatic tool that looks at the images and deems if they contain offensive images/phrases or is that a manual thing? 

Hi @custom-giftsuk ,


Such words should be picked up and blocked from being used in descriptions as well as titles. However it may be the case that not everyway a word is typed/spelt gets picked up and for that there is manual reviews.

Similar for offensive images/phrases would be picked up and blocked but not everyway they are inputted may be picked up and for that manual reviews would be done.


Thank you,


Message 13 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

Thank you Kat for clarifying that, because we know of several dozen listings that violate that guidance you have just given us but I think its because it'll pick up American phrases and not UK phrases, because I can point you in the direction of half a dozen right now that would be classed as offensive in the UK but would be unknown in the US (ie my earlier example). 

But can I ask a further question - if I as a seller want to sell an item and the item that has options of a physical item or digital download and as per eBay rules “Electronically delivered items need to be listed in the Everything Else > Information Products category in the classified ad format.”, what categories would I have to list in? So for example I wanted to sell a pair of gloves and I offered a picture of the gloves which would be digitally delivered – what categories would I list in or must it be two separate listings? If you wonder why anyone would want just a picture of the gloves instead of the gloves this would enable me to have the listing price of 99p and an actual price of £9.99 but because the way the search engine works – it will give priority to items that are extremely cheap despite not actually being the item itself or would this be considered “search and browse manipulation”? 

Message 14 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

@a45heaven wrote:

What is ebays stance on Combined Postage?

The 4 day and Strike, and now the inability to send combined invoices, appear to suggest one item per package.

The work around suggested by Mentors of relisting all items as one lot and seeing if the original buyer could buy the combined lot, is rather time consuming and messy, and not least a long way from a smooth transaction to the buyer - the same definitely can be said of paying a multiple postage for the items, only to have the seller refund.

Doesn't sound very professional, and leaving the buyer having to lay out trust on the Seller performing the refund in a timely manner. 

Hi a45heaven, thanks for your question.


I was actually looking into it this morning, but I'm afraid that we still have no further updates. However, I can assure you that we're currently working towards it. I understand this is not ideal for sellers, so I will pass on your thoughts on this as well.


Thank you,


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Message 15 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm



I gave Dave in my first post the item transaction number of the issue.  13-12751-55785 & 13-12751-55786 (25/2/25) the same buyer, but separate purchases.  We could not add the tracking number onto item number 13-12751-55785, yet it went in the same box as item number: 13-12751-55786.  If you access this, you will see.


Another one 


Transaction: 11-2778-5550 & 09-12780-90445  (3/3/25) same buyer, two separate transactions, we could not add the tracking number to the transaction 11-2778-55550.


We have ALWAYS been able to do this and now we cannot.


I then do believe that another seller gave Dave an example.  If others are giving you proof why has it not been looked into anyway.


Is this sufficient for you to look into it please?


Best wishes 

Message 16 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

So sellers like this can continue to get away with paying no selling or listing fees?


I lose thousands of pounds in sales each year dealing with returns, thousands more in selling, shop and listing fees on ebay. Yet all we get is pay us more in promoted listings. 


Yet private sellers who clearly run a business get an even better offer of zero listing and selling fees currently.  









Message 17 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

@lincolnshiremarine wrote:



I gave Dave in my first post the item transaction number of the issue.  13-12751-55785 & 13-12751-55786 (25/2/25) the same buyer, but separate purchases.  We could not add the tracking number onto item number 13-12751-55785, yet it went in the same box as item number: 13-12751-55786.  If you access this, you will see.


Another one 


Transaction: 11-2778-5550 & 09-12780-90445  (3/3/25) same buyer, two separate transactions, we could not add the tracking number to the transaction 11-2778-55550.


We have ALWAYS been able to do this and now we cannot.


I then do believe that another seller gave Dave an example.  If others are giving you proof why has it not been looked into anyway.


Is this sufficient for you to look into it please?


Best wishes 

Thanks for your reply, lincolnshiremarine.


That's perfect, thanks very much for confirming that for us. We will add those to the report you initially flagged, and once we get an update on it, we will let you know.


Thank you,


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Message 18 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

The buyer protection fee and delay in issuing payments are ruining ebay for private sellers - interest in items and sales are well down in previous months - yet ebay seem oblivious to this and don't seem to care. There is no incentive to list items if they aren't selling and no smooth process for receiving funds for postag when they are being held on to. Is ebay likely to change its policies if they prove unpopular?

Message 19 of 43
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Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team- 05.03.25 @2pm

Thanks for replying -

It's as much if not a greater problem to the Buyers - whose confidence in ebay is greatly eroded with the inability to buy something they desire- who get strikes for none payment, and have their wins / multi buys cancelled waiting on the system being repaired.

Most suitable sellers have narratives regarding Combining Postage as you would know.

I am assuming it is a system  'break down' and not a trial, or future direction for ebay?

Message 20 of 43
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About this Weekly Chat!

Welcome to the Weekly Chat with the eBay Community Team! Unless otherwise noted, chats occur every Wednesday from 2pm to 3pm.

Our Community Team will be in the Chats to help with the questions.

If you have multiple questions please open a post per question so we can get back to them individually. If it's something we can't answer right away we will get back to you after the chat has finished.