Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

Neither my husband nor I own a credit card and I want to bid on some cutlery, but as that includes a knife I have been asked to prove my age using a credit card. Is there another way to prove my age? 

Thanks, Liz

Message 1 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

I spoke to an online assistant because I don't have a credit card, he said " ah I can see you have been a loyal customer for 21 years... but you still need a credit card to prove your age!!! 🤔🙄

Message 21 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

I am having exactly the same problem, I cannot find anyway to get through, every time I get a online assistant I get a reply that has nothing to do with my question.   Bad karma on eBay's side!

Message 22 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

Had an E-Bay account for over 19 years and today it asks me to provide a credit card to verify I'm over 18 to buy a cutlery set. Set up the account before I was born did I.....I'm nearly 40!

-I'm not required to own a credit card, nor acquire one simply to prove my age, I have a driving license for that.

-I'm not required to shop locally for anything, at all. I shop where I please.

Some of the attempted justifications on this thread are equally as ridiculous as the policy itself. Who exactly is going to be injured with a butter knife?

Message 23 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

@*knight-rider* wrote:

`Think the nightclubs, social media companies, pubs etc have proved over the years that just because someone says they are over an age doesn't mean they are.`


Indeed, but those institutions, and all but a few essential public services have pro ved that they don't have to justify their decision not to do business with people. If a supermarket can't prove that the half-bottle in your pocket wasn't just the emergency restorative you always bring when leaving home, they can still ban you from thir premises.A pub can bar someone and refuse to argue about whether he really brings inebriation into disrepote. eBay sellers who block biddedrs should understand this.


I am sure eBay would rather let people buy whatever they want. But they have more than once been named as purveyors of knives to adolescents.


Of course it is failure rules in response to failure legislation, designed to let government and eBay say "But at least we tried something." I can't see it doing a lot of good, as long as pickaxes have handles and old socks can have rocks put in them. But they have taken the line that the interestsof their shareholders, which directors are obliged by law to regard as paramount, are better served by reputation than by more cutlery sales.

Message 24 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

Where eBay fail is in only accepting a Credit card for proof of age,other methods are available.

You cannot even use a Passport or Driving Licence which are the most accepted methods for Managed Payments and bank verification

Message 25 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

I dont understand it. To be honest, if your account is over 18 years old, and you set your account up yourself, presumably you would have needed to have been alive when you set it up and therefore would be at least as old as your account.

A little practical common sense would go a long way.

It would be less hassle to just buy age restricted products in your local high street, or from Home Delivery at one of the major supermarkets. E-Bay and E-Bay sellers lose revenue, the buyer loses nothing. I hadn't realized it was a handicap in life to be financially prudent enough with money that you don't need own a credit card.

Anyway, enough jabbering from me.

I agree with you, multiple avenues (preferably via the state, such as Driving License or Passport) would be what most people would consider reasonable.

Message 26 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

What about the ID needed to Vote, 18year old in England / N. Ireland, 16year old Scotland.

Message 27 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

True, could just look up register of electors.

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Message 28 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

Just attempted to do the same - eBay's loss at the end of the day. The item that I wanted to bid on didn't sell!


I have zero debt & don't need credit for anything, I even bought my last house & my £80k RS5 as a cash buyer. Oy vey...way to pee off your loyal customers, eBay. Congrats

Message 29 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

Same - my ebay account is 21 years old, I turn 50 next year (grey hair to prove this), but I couldnt buy a set of steak knives as a present as I dont own a credit card, and havent for about 15 years.  I find this discriminatory towards people who arent allowed or eligible for credit cards, along with people  like myself who dont like or want/need to use one, its essentially financial discrimination.  Are ebay getting kick backs from the credit card companies by forcing people to have one for certain purchases, even if it isnt in the individuals best interest?  At least we arent being forced to get a credit card (complete poverty trap).
On the plus side, ebays major competitor, Amazon, only took 60 second to order, next day delivery too, free on prime.  When the steak knives arrived, the next day, really nice too, the delivery guy asked for proof of age before handing the package over.  This way seems a lot more sensible and responsible, .  How many sales are they losing out on because they have a draconian policy?  Well done Amazon, you are my hero!

Message 30 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

I  had the same issue today, trying to buy a cutlery set.. 

I also don't have a credit card.. 

Funny that I've had my ebay account 19 years! 

Oh well off to Amazon I go..

Message 31 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

Same issue for me today.  Absolutely ridiculous  state of affairs, eBay , sort it out !

Message 32 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

it's the law that knives cannot be sold to underage persons.

Message 33 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

It depends who you are buying from. I've recently bought several age-restricted items for my garden and workshop, I also bought two combat knives. One of my suppliers did age verification the old-fashioned photo ID way. Two others used an online service. One did that for free, the other charged £2. Then everything was sent by age-verified delivery so I had to accept it in person. Have you considered a PASS card?

Message 34 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

It's a butter knife 

Message 35 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card


I have yesterday exact problem trying to buy steak knives ,I entered the one credit card I had yet still this was not accepted.

After talking to customer support  my issue is obviously not the knives policy it's the fact that now ebay not only insist on a credit card ( with Thousands of ££££ credit on it) but.......insists that this is stored on our payment method system first before you can enter this as age verification. 

Surely scammers and hackers are rubbing their hands together ,we added this willingly?

So I'm buying knives/ cutlery elsewhere as our friend suggests whom have joined a National simple Verfication scheme  ! Maybe the £1 shop Poundland have joined this too 😄!  Good -Luck Everyone!

Message 36 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

After my refusal I went straight to Amazon and cutlery was delivered within days, no hassle.

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Message 37 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

Same problem as so many others...  proof of age required with a credit card.  I don't have, or want, a credit card.  I also have had an account for 21 years with ebay.... I lodged a formal complaint but I doubt that it will make any difference.

The, almost, explicit explanation form the agent I spoke to was that credit cards also help to verify that someone does not have a criminal record....  and ebay does not want to sell a knife (part of a set of table ware)  to a criminal.....  Thanks ebay

Message 38 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

That is incorrect information that CS have implied regarding criminal records, as they aren't included in any credit reports.


the rules on knives of any sort is down to UK legislation and the weapons act etc. Matters have really (and rightly so) been tightened up in the past few years. It is all to do with age verification.


You can have a credit card and not use it, or if you have friends that can order the item for you?

Message 39 of 70
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Re: Proof of age. Neither my husband nor I own a credit card

The only way that an organisation can ascertain as to whether or not a person has a criminal record is via a DBS (Disclosure Barring Service) check, and I doubt very much whether eBay would want to go to these lengths to check that a buyer doesn't have a criminal record!

Message 40 of 70
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