Problem cancellation

I purchased a Peak Loupe 6/3/25 and given a delivery date at the time of 8th-10/3/25. When it hadn’t arrived a week later I sent a message to the seller asking when I could expect it. As I did not receive any communication from the seller and was now too late for what I wanted, I asked for a cancellation. Today eBay have advised that the seller has refused to cancel and quoted that I would have it by 10/3/25 err im not quite sure if their just trying to upset me more but today is 21/3/25 well past delivery date. What can I do now. A seller has my money, has not sent the goods, refuses to communicate with me and refuses to cancel. Please help eBay.

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Re: Problem cancellation

Select "Report an item you didn't receive" on here:
The option to escalate it to get your money back will appear 3 complete working days later.



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