Ebay refuse to investigate and take down fake item

I've reported the same item twice to ebay and they say it doesn't violate their policies. It's a fake Dell mouse. I'll post a link if I'm told it's ok to do it. The seller has sold over 1500 so maybe ebay see it as good business.


When I got the mouse I put in a request to return based on the reason that I didn't like it. I was about to be charged over £3 to send it back so I cancelled the request. The reason I didn't like it was because the quality is so bad for something that claimed to be branded. I have a real Dell mouse so I have something to compare it to.


I then became curious and did a bit of research before I decided it was fake. It was then too late to request a "not as described" return. After arguing with ebay about it they said they would refund me but I'm yet to receive it.

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Ebay refuse to investigate and take down fake item

Yeah, i would take the promise of a refund from Ebay with a pinch of salt, they tend to say what they think you want to hear. Reporting items is a waste of time if you ask me and why i don't even bothdr anymore. Your best bet, if your happy to do it, is drop an email to them with the details and a link to the listing/s, as Ebay tend to sit up when companies complain 🙂

If you believe it's fake, you needed to go not as described. If you paid useing a credit/debit card, then try a chargeback with your payment provider or if you used paypal, open a case there.

Message 2 of 6
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Ebay refuse to investigate and take down fake item

Because you said "you did not like it" that qualifies as a "return" so you would be charged postage. 


You should have used the reason "not as described" and the seller would have paid. 


The advice to send it [and/or a complaint] to Dell is an excellent one.  It might get the seller banned!



Message 3 of 6
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Ebay refuse to investigate and take down fake item

An email address for Dell is unsurprisingly hard to find. I came to a dead end trying to use their online chat. I tried to post something to their forum but it said I wasn't allowed to post. The only possible avenue I've found is a customer services phone number that I will try tommorrow.


This is really bad as far as I'm concerned. I've been ripped off by ebay itself who are knowingly selling me fake stuff. The item I bought is such cheap quality that it's almost worthless. I could have easily bought a mouse for less money and probably would have got something of better quality.


It's hard to know how widespread this is. There are a few other people selling Dell mice for about the same price.  It's a concern that ebay would knowingly allow fake stuff to be sold.

Message 4 of 6
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Ebay refuse to investigate and take down fake item

Dell Corporation Limited
1st & 2nd Floor
One Creechurch Place


You could even send them a letter!   Send them a copy of the seller's listing!



Message 5 of 6
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Ebay refuse to investigate and take down fake item

I've spoke to Dell on the phone and they say that they're not willing to confirm whether the mouse is fake unless I have a Dell order number which I obviously don't have.

Message 6 of 6
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