07-11-2023 12:49 PM
Good afternoon to you all
it's very easy to get bogged down with negativity. I for one have in recent times been quite negative, but this morning I had a sale and yesterday I had 3 so I've decided to try and be positive in these uncertain times
so I thought it would be a good idea to start a positive post
would anyone like to share your tips for increasing sales. Something that has worked for you maybe or something you are trying to see if it has results
I know there's no magic wand to be waved but let's see if we can try to improve our sales by sharing the love
my first tip is to use sell similar on ended listings and to change just one thing. I think in the past I have been very complacent and just need to up my game a bit. I've been taking fresh photos of ended items to refresh the listing
over to you
16-06-2024 9:35 AM - edited 16-06-2024 9:38 AM
Sales really slumped over may bank hol weeks but realy picked up now especially had a good response to a coupon "20% off with £30" Alot of my listings are £10 or under so this is kicking in when a buyer has 3+ items, which of course saves me on postage (which pays for the 20% off) but getting 3+ sales more in on one order, getting atleast 1 taking up this a day so will extend that coupon as working well
Ive tested removing promos and altogether but it worked out only £20 a month saving so Ive left it at 2% as £20 is only £5 a week and the 2% justifies that.
16-06-2024 8:16 PM
@vintagechinashop I've been pondering on your post
@vintagechinashop wrote:...I saw a post on a social media site yesterday from a eBay seller who thinks that not accepting or declining an offer straight away is better because it pushes your listing up and therefore visibility is improved. She gave the example She had an offer on a listing of 50% of the price which she neither accepted or declined. Later that day she says the item sold at full price...
I agree that getting an offer, even one you decline, boosts your listing and its often you get a second offer/ full price sale after an offer on a listing thats been quiet. I hadn't ever given any headspace to not processing the offer for a delayed period. From a customer service point of view I think its less than ideal to leave offers hanging.
From a customer sitting on the fence thinking about a purchase point of view, I can see that having an active offer showing on the listing can push a buyer to make their own offer or pay full price to secure a one off item. For an offer that is in the wrong ball park this could, for me, justify leaving the offer on the table for 6 or so hours rather than just declining, which is what I usually do if its just silly money not opening a negotiation.
From an algorithm point of view I'm not sure that leaving the offer open would make the listing look more attractive than the fact of just having the offer. Not sure it'd be easy to alpha/ beta test.
Very interesting to have raised this though - got the grey matter active
26-06-2024 8:29 AM
Having decided I'm done with sending offers in the short term (maybe look at it again in Christmas run up) I decided to switch off my sales order discount promotion, and run a sale/markdown promotion.
A seasonal decision because the weather is warm, a lot of other distractions sports wise now and in the coming weeks, payday week approaching.
Had some considerable success, a lot of old stock watched items sold.
Now restocking for Q4, this year I will be ready!
30-07-2024 1:16 PM
3 questions
Older, slow moving inventory lines, what do you do,
I've been of the school it sells eventually, some times many a year, I have a 1500 listing allowance so these old individual items, are just using up my allowance, getting the most from my shop cost and ive been looking at the return and its slow, expected but slow
Ive tried coupons on these listings and little action, a low PL standard rate, tried a higher PL standard rate, tried Best Offer for a short period of time frustrated at little interest so
So the plan is its gone after Christmas and look at my shop and what shop I need.
Planning for now till Christmas, thinking of hiking up the price a little to cover a PL Standard increase and after that im after thoughts on another additional sales enticing option.
Do coupons work along side Best Offer or is that a can of worms in itself, I have a rotating coupon structure Im happy with and dont want to play with that, these 'older listings' would automatically be included in coupon runs
So what do I add?
Shop subscriptions, from memory it used to be about 750 listings is the point to upgrade your shop. Has anyone looked at the stats rececently with price increases, any recent interesting threads, comments? Have read a few downgrading comments, just after opinions, Will look at this in full November just chucking it in,
Prep plans for Christmas? Strategy for Christmas?
Cheers FBF
30-07-2024 1:47 PM
For £92 and a few pence you get 1500 standard listing with no fees, until it sells
You also get 600 auctions
This is every 30 days/month
That the middle shop option
If you pay less you get less pay more you get the picture
Advertising what you can afford, multi buy same, slow moving stuff put on sale so it shows the discount rather than adjust the price down.
It's a little of what i do get reasonabel sale on type i sell but ebay is not my only place.
30-07-2024 2:22 PM
So nice to see a positive thread getting a boost. Every day is a school day and I'm definitely at the learning stage with excess stock - as in I've got too much of it.
As part of this learning journey, focusing on stock, I've learnt every industry has norms for stock rotation and targets for super star sellers (the percentage of good turn over items that you don't need to be discounting). But you don't need to have industry averages, if you've got a business formula that works for you, you just need to decide your write down points. What none of us want is to sell off our good stuff by discounting but end up with a whole load of slow moving stuff - that will eventually sell but its a bit depressing to have lots of not really shifting stuff.
So as a completely made up numbers example lets say typically 10% of listings you might expect a sale in a month, another 20% within three months, at 90 days you're refreshing listings with a bit of a kick and promoting either advertising and/ or coupons and another 20% sells in months 3-6, at second renewal (180 days) you might get into more serious discounting - higher percentages and combining offers and another 20% goes over months 6-12. If twelve months is your typical stock rotation, for in this example 70% of your stock to clear through, you may decide that at 12 months you do a low start auction/ accept any offer/ write off.
I'm over stocked. I've had help from a couple of weeks of eBay protrader with kick stating a bit of a clear out of my not Ojewellery branded lines a couple of months ago. My newer stock, my own designs, I now do a full monthly sales analysis of looking at sales per platform and have rules to label the stock, which I run on a monthly basis, to identify it as:
Current stock good seller (regular seller keep stocked to good levels)
Current stock
Current stock slow mover (fairly new stock but its not flying)
Old stock (slow moving and hanging around don't replenish)
Obsolete (sell pretty much at any price and don't replenish)
I look at sales in last month, average sales/ month over twelve months, total sales last rolling twelve months, current stock holding and average profit/ sale. Then have forumla to allocate to a stock type category so I can administer the actions for that stock block and reorder stock if the spreadsheet shows stock of less than time to order plus one months typical use remaining. Each stock item has a time to order allocated to it.
It sounds a bit more complex than the simple csv dumps and import into a spreadsheet with formula it is.
The biggest thing from my new data gathering is restricting my spend on restocking current lines (as I can accurately see sell through rates) and stopping spend on replenishment of ones that just aren't giving a good enough return. A shared percentage of sales from write off lines goes into my pocket and reinvestment in new designs. My aim is to reduce my overall stock holding but also to maintain a balance between the different types of stock with the obvious focus being on the current stock good sellers and current stock and reduce/ cap the obsolete and old stock percentages.
Its more than reducing listings and associated business overhead, its improving sell through (overall profitability) on a smaller catalogue.
I currently have a whole load of resting listings. Ones I'm revisiting and relisting. It came about from a tech blip that lost the majority of my listings for 5 days a few months ago. They were recovered but they have been corrupted and the image galleries are incomplete and don't relist. I thought I'd take the opportunity to work on them.
POINT 2: I wondered whether having 2 basic shops would make more sense at a certain business stage than one featured store.
There are a couple of reasons - one is to have a no bells and whistles outlet version, cheaper slower postage, older stock, blanket coupons and discounts. Then the primary store as a new stock, exceptional service, fast delivery, higher turnover items, don't keep hold of the slow movers - shift those to the outlet. Use promotions as a marketing tool but not mega discounts and offers.
This would give 500 included listings for a lower price and would work out slightly cheaper at the 700sih listings required to justify a feature store.
Disadvantages, slightly higher admin, search from within shop search would be eBay not shop (although thats not as consistent anyway), loss of international free listings (deminished post Brexit).
POINT 3, Christmas strategy
Its in progress - rolling discounts, coupons, sales, using promoted and I'm just doing a new trial with Promoted pay per click (can't remember the current eBay rebrand name) on just my top around 7% of listings based on twelve months across platform sales data. Putting my money into the listings which are my good performers to keep growing those and hopefully increase the number that fall into that category. I have a plan to do a plan for more heavily discounting older lines in the Christmas run up - a sort of Christmas clear out. I don't want it to impact my good line sellers though so I'm getting my head around it. I might yet make it a big early Christmas shopper September/ early October clear out.
05-08-2024 12:52 PM
Thanks for the indepth reply, been away for a few days and catching up on replies, Point 2 definitely will be considering
Will pick your brains again of thats OK, I took your tip in the past of working with blocks of inventory and run with this for coupons, rotating coupons by value so not all inventory is couponed all the time.
What do you do for ending and sell similar/relisting? I end approx 50 listings a day so the coupon I started this morning will loose any end/sell similar tomorrow and the day after and the day after. I cant see an automatically include button or alike, presumming its just more admin and has to be done daily or am I missing something
Thanks again
05-08-2024 2:27 PM
Hope you had a few good days away. Certainly had the weather if it was a leisure break.
To answer your coupon end/ sell similar query, I tend to do coupons/ sales/ promotions by my shop categories. To the best of my knowledge, ended and relisted items are automatically in the coupon if they're in the category.
05-08-2024 4:19 PM - edited 05-08-2024 4:19 PM
Few days to escape in Brum, twas a nice break, thank you.
I do it by price in the screen youve shown and I've just did my sell similar today and the coupons are not on the new listings, might be worth checking, I assumed they would but then thought about it as sell similar and it sort of makes sense they dont, maybe with relist they do.
You've mentioned in the past you like your 'Business Books', think it was you, may not be your thing but im a quarter in to Grace Blakeley's, Vulture Capitalism, its an eye opener
If you check your results would be good to know,
05-08-2024 4:54 PM
I do like my business books, I subscribe to audible, its a great way of feeling driving time, when I run my eldest to work, is in some way productive time. Plus I have a book on whilst packing/ cooking/turning off my childrens friends (as its summer hols). I've added Vulture Capitalism to my library, I'll give it a try.
I'll do some testing next time I have a batch coupon on - probably at the weekend, I'm a bit off plan at present.
20-08-2024 9:09 PM
I try to keep my stock at about 3x monthly revenue, if it goes over this or if sales drop and the 3x amount is lower I'm looking to shift older stock or slow movers. If stock levels go below this I'm looking for new products. Mark down sales work nicely for shifting old stock as they seem to get a boost and they look impressive on search results.
I send offers out every day, 5-10% or more if needed. Quite often the offered items will then sell at full price. Once again the offered item seems to get a visibility boost which makes it sell.
Promoted listings- I just use PL standard, the pay per click has not worked for me at all. With PL standard I used to promote at 2% across the board and I think this gives best bang for buck. Nowadays I select certain lines at certain times to promote more aggressively. This seems to drive people to my shop front and result in generally more sales. No data to back this other than my sales overall seem to react well to this approach.
Trawling through listings and checking their performance on Terapeak is a good move, I try to do this monthly or more often where competition is high. Check on competitors and differentiate your offer. It isn't just down to price. You can sell more of something and at a higher price if you're willing to experiment.
21-08-2024 8:48 AM - edited 21-08-2024 8:49 AM
I currently do not run offers and have a question
If Im running a 10% coupon and send a 10% offer, can it be stacked? If so can I stop it being stacked? Also is there a time of day you find successful for sending offers?
PS I may have asked this many moons ago, if I have apologies,
21-08-2024 9:31 AM
I'm about 99% certain that it can't be stacked.
Essentially one cancels out the other, but I could be wrong, as I don't really use coupons.
But I have had more than one offer running the past and have never had them stacked.
21-08-2024 9:46 AM
They can stack, I used to think offers were a final amount but it turns out that the voucher code box still shows when you go via checkout page and the discount code can be added.
Like wise if you're running an eBay promotional code and send an offer the discount code can also be used.
I went through this quite recently with a protrader advisor then friendly customer, proving out the theory on it. Whilst it can be used, when I sent many offers out whilst also on a coupon promotion, buyers in the main, don't appear to be aware of this.
You can only use one discount code per transaction (so can run parallel offers that may have some overlap) unless its an eBay automatically applied discount code then I think the voucher box appears at checkout.
I keep meaning to produce myself an offers flowchart - If customer buys x off (multibuy kicks in), whilst on sale, with an eBay promotion code and offer code would we be paying them to take our product away!
21-08-2024 10:06 AM
Well I wasn't aware of that. But then as I said, I don't tend to use the vouchers, so not really something I'm likely to come across.
I have however never come across a customer using more than one offer, so at least that appears to be stopped. But I'm guessing, that the fact that they can use a voucher code on top of an offer, is probably not meant. Generally speaking wherever your buying from, it's only ever one offer/discount that is valid and you can't use more than that.
21-08-2024 10:22 AM
I tried a test and I couldnt stack
I went to my personal account watched and sent offer
Offer received, accepted which sends you to the checkout screen
The Voucher Box is there as you say but when I applied my Coupon Code but the page just refreshes, and doesnt stack.
Is it a setting or a monetary value?
21-08-2024 10:42 AM
I believe all offers are programmed as a calculated percentage, not monetary amount. The test I did with customer was an eBay voucher code.
21-08-2024 11:03 AM
I belonged to a group of alternative thinkers for a while, where we played the coupon codes/ offers game.
The way coupons are programmed to work and the way marketeers think they'll work is quite fascinating. Its prevalent in large corporations - like supermarkets.
Wine that was £5/ bottle or 3 for £12 then overlapping a 25% off all wine deal. How much should the £5 wine be per bottle at checkout?
The 3 for £12 can be programmed as a £3 discount when three are purchased or as £1 off per bottle or as 20% off per bottle.
When its the £3 discount, 6 wines goes through checkout at £5 x 6 qty, 2 x £3 discount, 25% wine deal £7.50
It works out at £16.50 for six wines.
If the wine is then in a meal deal the starter + main + side + desert + drink for fixed price type, you can again increase the discount. If any of the items in the meal deal are in parallel in multibuy promotions you can add those to your cart and stack yet more offers.
You can end up with a large shop of admitedly rather random items for not much money.
To complicate things further, if any of the items in your shop are short dated, so also under an extra monetary not percentage discount, there are circumstances where you can get a negative checkout - as in it looks like they should be paying you.
21-08-2024 11:09 AM
Oh I know that there are some serious flaws in some coupon deals, a LOT of companies have been hit with them in the past and it is still happening, even today.
You would think that those who actually think these things up, would be a lot more careful about how they can be used. But people are people I guess. 🙂
27-08-2024 10:22 AM
I've been playing about a bit with promoted listings. Changing the percentage on some listings where there is most competition.
obviously my main focus is to increase sales but also to try and reduce fees a bit
I have been ending quite a few listings as they have come up for renewal and changing and adding to these listings. I must admit I have been a bit lazy in the past and just promoted everything but I didn't find it increased sales to much of an extent so I have decided to use the sell similar when relisting ended listings to look at the promotions on each listing and try an decide whether to promote or whether to reduce the percentage. It's working well on reducing my fees percentage so that's a real positive as far as I'm concerned
the issue I have with promoted listings is it's a bit of a game after all if we are all promoting then surely you have to keep increasing the percentage in order to take part in that game so I'm just trying to be a little more selective at the moment
interested in others perspective on this