20-09-2024 11:26 AM
I sent some offers this morning (from two accounts) and have just noticed that they are all for 4 days not 2. I've never seen this before - is it a new thing implemented on today's updates (I know they often do these things on Fridays) ?
The last offers I sent were all for 2 days - and that was only at the beginning of this week!
Have they snuck this in without telling us, I wonder? Not that the change really bothers me, but I'm curious... 🤔
20-09-2024 11:39 AM
It probably ties in with the fact that now when you accept a counter offer, it does not immediately go into sold. It stays live on sale until the buyer pays. (There is a thread on this - I am the OP). Looks like ebay is overhauling its offer system to stop non-payers. So now ebay is giving buyers 4 days to keep an offer whilst they peruse auctions etc (which might stop them trying to bag an offer whist they wait on something else)
20-09-2024 11:50 AM
I never have counter offers enabled, though.
Mmmm, I guess it's just an 'update' they decided to throw at us without telling us! 🙄
20-09-2024 12:26 PM
But that's madness. I frequently make offers and, if accepted, I then look at the sellers other items. And there are frequently other items and some of the time these items of interest are auctions.
For many years now I've simply asked if the seller combines postage. Once upon a time you could pay for the item and have the seller hold, but if the postage is combined there is a saving of 30p per additional item for the seller. I've rarely been asked to pay. Even if the seller states that they combine, I still get in touch.
As a seller, a large percentage of sales are combined postage. Oftentimes, a buyer will make a purchase and ask if we stock other specific similar items, and we frequently list an item for that buyer. Particularly handy selling low value items internationally, where the postage cost can be higher than the item cost.
My purchasing has reduced over the past few months - and this is my main buying period - from between £2000 and £4000 a month - which must make me a higher than average spender - to less than £250 so far this month.
We tell buyers to not pay if they have bought and are waiting for auctions to end, or more to be listed. Can't be done now.
AND eBay is now automatically cancelling orders not paid within 4days. I appealed two, the buyer had asked me to hold payment as she was away and couldn't work out how to send an invoice on her phone. The appeal went through immediately, but only one defect was removed. Fortunately the seller relisted for me.
As ever, eBay uses a hammer to crack a nut. Giving the seller the option of getting immediate payment or managing their own payments, and removing the idiotic estimated delivery dates, would have been a sensible solution.
But eBay doesn't do sensible, and no one in eBay management has even a clue about selling on eBay.
And the exodus of buyers will continue.
22-09-2024 7:52 PM
You are so right. I've lost count of the amount of times ebay implements an 'update' meant to improve the 'user experience' which actual makes things worse! Usual it seems it's not Buyers or Sellers that benefit from these 'improvements' but eBay. 🤬🤬🤬
26-09-2024 3:58 PM
Yet another eBay case of "if it ain't broke, 'fix' it so it is." eBay think they know what Sellers want more than the Sellers themselves. BUT THEY CLEARLY DON'T.
If a potential Buyer is genuinely interested they will generally accept an OFFER within 24 hours or 36 at most. Very rarely does an Offer I've sent sell after that so why DOUBLE the offer duration to FOUR! Makes no sense except to eBay.
Many people add items to their Watch List when they have no real interest in buying (even at discounted prices). Whilst an Offer has been Sent you cannot edit it (eg to lower the price for EVERYBODY) so if you send them an Offer you're b*ggered for four days! Nice one ebay.
if eBay had a clue about Selling they would have REDUCED the Offer period to 24 hours. If yo're going to have an offer that lasts 4 days you may as well just edit your listing.
16-11-2024 6:01 AM
I agree. They have three days to accept which ties up my listings to make changes. Most buyers wait the three days and never respond and the offer expires.I am loosing money this way. Some buyers don't care.
16-11-2024 10:35 AM
Not only that, but if you send an offer a few days before the listing expires, when it automatically relists the same watch count and the offer are still showing so it is impossible to edit the listing ( if you need to)
Ending all listings and list them again, under sell similar is an option.
I am only a small private seller but expect those with a huge business inventory it would affect greatly.
16-11-2024 10:37 AM
Its like nearly a whole week of "Black Friday" 😉
20-11-2024 10:20 AM
Does anyone know if you can rescind offers? I'm desperate to make changes and thought I only had to wait a day now I have just seen this thread and I have to wait 3!?
25-11-2024 6:31 AM
I think all you can do is end the listings in question and relist them.
26-11-2024 12:49 PM
I have not noticed the change in the number of days but I have noticed many of my listings have changed, all by themselves to automatically send out offers. This is NOT something I have ever set up.
I have had three items this week alone I needed to edit and couldn't for another two days as offers had been sent which I have not done. Cannot even change the offer settings whilst offers have been sent. Very very annoying.
28-11-2024 6:20 AM
If I remember rightly, that happened to me - after I had sent offers via the app on my phone. I think it's something in the app that triggers it.
Consequently, I now only send offers from my pc.
01-12-2024 4:45 PM
Snickiness is very typical of ebay. That's why I never bother sending offers; watchers are more likely just watchers rather than buyers wanting the item. I'd rather lower the price for everybody than have my listing locked for days.