Postage Label Fail

Hope everyone is well.  It's  not often I get sales nowadays.  However I got one today from a chap who wanted his item to be sent to his local Argos.  Not a problem I'll just print the label out as normal using eBay's postage service... Opps sorry not allowed more than 35 characters per line, that is fine I'll just go in and edit that bad boy so it fits... nope computer says NO!




Of course not a big deal as I only had a couple of orders but in the past when I was doing a couple a 100 a day this kind of tomfoolery would be rather time consuming, imagine if 20 of my 150 orders required some hocus pocus to get around eBay's fail.


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Postage Label Fail


used to frustrate me, along with Postcodes in incorrect format, town and county reversed in order on the label, all errors according to the system and international labels not printing on correct size. All been flagged up several times.
Time is money. Click and drop is my friend!


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