08-10-2024 9:51 AM
Hi, I have been selling on ebay for 12 years now. I understand that listings loose visibility after 3 months and understand that this is a gradual process, i.e listings drop off over time until 3 months then hardly any visibility. However, I notice that some of my listings have good sales history but havent had a sale in last 90 days. So I dont want to "end" and "sell similar" as I will loose that history. If I "end" and "relist", same thing.
What is best practice to wake up a listing with sales history (More than 10) to get visibility and retain the sales history. Is it just a case of changing title, pictures, price. Or am I best ending and selling similar and losing the history. ??
08-10-2024 10:01 AM
I have been an ebay business seller for over 15 years and sales are now really low with fees at an all time high.
I have never sold on other platforms but opened a vinted pro account 3 days ago. Listed one item that has been available on ebay for months. It has now sold after only 2 days listed at the same price as has been listed for sale on ebay but of course no fees to pay on vinted.
Ebay need to up their game. It is time consuming and not I wanted to list on two platforms but may be forced into it.
08-10-2024 10:03 AM
I sell car parts, in which ebay is still number 1, bigger than Amazon. So Vinted not an option. Ebay works well for me, but just need to wake up some listings.
08-10-2024 10:41 AM
The best way is as you suggest is to sell as similar, but as you point out you lose the history on the old item.
By listing as sell similar, it will create a new item number but push it back to the top of things as its seen as a brand new item. If you keep a spreadsheet or something outside of ebay you could put the sales history etc in to there along with new item number to see if it makes any difference. Also the usual thing look at the first four words of lisitngs these key words are also important for searches.
08-10-2024 10:43 AM
So say a listing has sold 20 items, buty no sales in 90 days. You think best to" end" and "relist"?
08-10-2024 10:52 AM
The best way is sell similar not relist.
So end all you old listings the click sell similar and just make them live this can be done in bulk
Just double check your stock figures especially if you choose relist ebay often revert back to original qty on a relist. (fault on ebays sytem they do not think is there)
Sell similar is better option, relist keeps the old item number sell similar its a completley fresh listing.,
08-10-2024 10:58 AM
Yes I always do that to be fair, End and Sell Similar, but was looking at just ending and relisting so to keep the sales history just to refresh the listing.
But that seems to loose the sales history too.
Just want to know best way of bringing a listing back to life with sales history but no sales in last 90 days. Is it worth sacrificing 20+ sales on a listing and "ending" and "selling similar"?? Or just make a few changes in the listing to refresh.
08-10-2024 11:21 AM
What i have done might help as i have similar problems with some of my listings and i dont want to end or relist also because of good previous sales history. If the item is on promoted listings and hasnt sold for ages i take it off promoted listings. I usually then sell one within days of taking it off promoted listings LOL
Or if it is not on promoted listings put it on at a low rate and see if that helps. If it doesnt then take it off promo after about 2 weeks and see if that helps.
I am not really sure how that works but it must be enough of a change for the item to be perked up again 😃
08-10-2024 11:32 AM
The last official comment I saw was a 2023 video on the YouTube business channel and this question was asked from the audience and if I recall correctly the advice was to end and sell similar
Think its this one, towards the end
08-10-2024 11:32 AM
I think that could just be the revision of a listing as I have noticed that as well. All my products are on PL in varying %. Alsdo would be handy for ebay to show what listings havent had a sale in 90 days. I can see if I go into the listring and click "Purchase History" but would be hand in seller hub to see a column showing this.
I guess its a lot of trial and error. Maybe make a threshold of say items under 20 sales with no sales in last 90 days, end and sell similar. Im not going to end a listing with 50+ sales on.
This last 2 weeks have gone quiet, the week before that was very good. Nothing has changed but on looking deeper as you always do when it goes quiet, I see that a lot of my listings dont have much visibility.
08-10-2024 11:45 AM - edited 08-10-2024 11:46 AM
I'll take visibilty over history every day.
There is no way of keeping history on what is deemed as a new listing.
But you will get a much better search advantage
08-10-2024 11:58 AM
Thank you, thats very helpful. Have you done this?? Did you find it more beneficial to end and sell similar despite losing the sales history?
08-10-2024 12:08 PM
Yes I think I will go down that route. When thinking about it, even if a listing has good sales history, if it hasnt sold in last 3 months, whats the point. Sales history isnt doing you any favours if you arent selling the item anymore.
Do you know of a way to filter items that havent sold in last 90 days in seller hub.?
08-10-2024 12:20 PM
Also, following on...If a new listing hasnt had a sale in 1st month.
This would indicate something is wrong.
So would it be best to "end" and "sell similar" and change the price point as listings are good quality.?
Or would you give it more time?
08-10-2024 12:26 PM - edited 08-10-2024 12:28 PM
I would send decent offers out to any watchers or put a flash sale on to get a few sales to bump the listing. Personally I'd be very reluctant to end and sell similar in this situation.
08-10-2024 12:40 PM
I had one item over a year old, good sales history, over 100 watchers, but views were way down, sales dried up over 6 weeks. Ended, sold similar, swapped a few images around and it started performing again.
Those watchers were just that.
08-10-2024 12:52 PM
Thanks. My items dont sell in huge numbers. My biggest selling item has sold 370. and thats over a number of years.
But Im thinking, items that have sold say under 20, but no recent sales, ending and selling similar.
08-10-2024 12:58 PM
Not sold but listed .
Veiw listings activate the start date column gives the stat of the lisiting in days (bracket)
Also sold listing column so if you have a sold listing within you start date period it will shopw there
08-10-2024 1:00 PM
Thanks, I can see that, but if ebay mad a column for number of sales in a period, would be very helpful.
08-10-2024 1:54 PM
You can run a report that may give the required info.
Performance > Sales > Custom and set the dates, scroll down and there should be a list you can search via product sold.
(I hasten to add custom reports are a bit flakey and you may need to refresh the page to sign in securely before the report shows.)
You May already know all this but thought it was worth mentioning.