16-03-2025 10:44 AM
Hi there, just wondering if any body else's sales been switched off since giving ebay their national insurance number, I was asked for it on thursday, I obliged as it is the new government law and I've had no sales since, no other information relating to it has been sent to me, the previous year they had my tax return to prove who I was and that I was paying tax, so what now, have I been suspended until they check it, and I don't know about it or is it just a coincidence, because I'm stumped, thanks.
16-03-2025 12:03 PM
On eBay, you can provide your NI number in advance. This means you can continue selling without any disruption or blockage. If you reach the reporting limit, we'll contact you with your sales report in January of the following year.
Digital Sales Reporting | eBay.co.uk
It shouldn't affect your sales
16-03-2025 12:32 PM
Hi there, thanks for replying, I know it shouldn't but unfortunately it seems to have, just odd timing coincidence is all.
17-03-2025 3:08 PM
It seems more than coincidence, sales have plummeted since providing the NI details last week........
17-03-2025 5:22 PM
Hi, I was asked for mine a couple of weeks ago. I just did it. I have noticed no change in sales or anything else since.
18-03-2025 4:42 PM
Sales have just been awful in general for everyone reading the boards so I expect it's a mix of that & BPF creating a coincidence for you
18-03-2025 7:01 PM
It's not NIN, it's ebay deserted by buyers, they made so many bad changes in the last couple of years, but the most recent ones killed the platform. All that promoted listing obsession/madness and EDD's fiasco, search clogged with sponsored irrelevant results, more recently app working only on some phones and most importantly BPF, not to mention never ending glitches and many other problems...
18-03-2025 7:42 PM
What always puts me off buying on eBay is when you search for something by price and the price is under £2 but thats just for one.