GPSR exclusions list a joke

Just received the update about GPSR and the exclusion list is rediculous. Im really concerned that whoever is dealing with this lacks the understanding to deal with this. The main problem being is that using ebay exisiting catagories will never fit GPSR catagories.


For example they have excluded the following -


Stamps:Great Britain:Charles III

This is wrong as if the stamp is unused and current ( pretty sure at time of writing Charles is alive )  it is included - see below -


Postage or revenue stamps, postmarks, first-day covers, pre-stamped stationery and the like, used, or if unused not current and not intended to be current (CN code 9704 00 00);


This type of error does not instill faith.


Loads more but dont have the time to list them ... unless as ebay keeps telling me " thanks for your 23 years loyalty" they want to use that knowledge and pay me to help fix this which i know how to do and pretty sure alone i could do workable guidelines within a week !!


Also there are still so many that the policy excludes that are not on the list.


Did speak to someone, said dont worry the list is being constantly updated but i do worry, its my business and whilst i know most items I sell are excluded by the actual policy my concern is does ebay have the capability to exclude it .. im not sure it will.

As a result this is affecting what i buy and then what i sell on ebay so even now is affecting my business, something i fell ebay does not understand.



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