Ebay user base decline. Scary

Just read ebays user base peaked in 2018 at 180 million users now its 135 million. That is a huge drop and clearly a reason for sales decline that people are talking so much about on here.

Message 1 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

Been sinking and talked about on here a lot, i could be wrong, as i have been wrong once before...... but i didn't think they published the figure in the last quarters results?

Message 2 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

I think your right. These are figures I'd seen from 2022 but my guess is the decline is now even much further.

Message 3 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

Well if the number was good they would nodoubt like to tell investors and sellers, so by that thesis one would say the number is naff.

Message 4 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

This is one of the reasons I rarely shop now on eBay with Amazon being my go to marketplace where it always used to be eBay.


I was looking for some radiator pipe covers this morning and saw this listing


Talon Snappit 15mm Radiator pipe covers + collars 2 pk Express post-Any colour!

CHEAPEST on Ebay!!! Fast Free delivery! Fast dispatch
The price displayed is £4.22 , however when clicking on the listing the £4.22 refered to is for the collars only and not the covers and collars as per the title.
The actual price for what is advertised in the title is £7.19 and that is NOT the cheapest on eBay as shouted about in the sub-title !
Furthermore, it is not Express post as stated in the tilte it is Royal Mail 2nd Class !!
I did not mean to pick on this seller in particular, this is just one example of a pratice that is now totally out of control on eBay
As a business seller for more than 20 years on eBay I remember when variation listings had strict rules and all variations had to be the same price. Now it's like the Wild West 
Message 5 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

Our impressions are half of what they were last year that either means people are not searching for what we sell (which I very much doubt) or ebays user base has dropped through the floor. I fear its the latter.


And yes I agree with you people have switched to other marketplaces.

Message 6 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

How many people on here have been saying for the last 5+ years ebay is in serious decline ?


Managed Payments lost many, as have the many other pointless changes and huge hikes in fees.


10+ years ago in my line you'd go to the front page (coins), and the top half would feature loads of high ticket items and some real quality stuff, being sold by some of the biggest dealers in the UK.


They've all gone now or like me have cut down listings, and will do so more into the future.


It's just not an atractive place to sell anymore, what with managed payments securing Big Brother eBay control over every single aspect of a sale. In the past it felt like you had full control over your business, now you have virtually none and feels like you are working purely to make eBay profit.

Message 7 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

eBay in the past have been able to manage the decline by hikes in fees across the board, adding things like their rip-off 10% charge on P&P etc which has all incresed their revenue, and somewhat masked the real decline.


As always it was short termism by ebay, not thinking of the bigger picture and future.


The latest blind whizz to halt the decline is free listings etc for private sellers, while still hammering buisnesses for all they can. So these busineses will either now also leave the site, or close down and reopen as a slightly smaller Private seller.


Now if they'd been sensible and reverted back 20 years and said 4-5% fees across the board, for Private and business sellers, that may well have worked and also started giving them back the ecord profits each quarter, like they used to get before they got greedy and screwed the platform up.

Message 8 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

Ebay was always known for being the place where a buyer could find a great deal. 


As well as many of the other reasons posters here and on other threads have suggested I think the promoted / sponsered listings have majorly put buyers off from using the platform. 


If sellers are not paying extra to promote their listings and those listings represent great value often they will be hidden behind pages of more expensive promoted listings of tat. 


Buyers are not easily seeing the decent listings with quality items at great prices, instead only the listings that some sellers are paying extra to be towards the top of search results and are getting tied of eBay and not using the site as much as they did before.

Message 9 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

eBay turned into a more expensive aliexpress. So i guess they just go straight there.

Message 10 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

"As well as many of the other reasons posters here and on other threads have suggested I think the promoted / sponsered listings have majorly put buyers off from using the platform.


"If sellers are not paying extra to promote their listings and those listings represent great value often they will be hidden behind pages of more expensive promoted listings of tat."




But also, the eBay search engine has now been so manipulated by eBay, it should no longer be called a search engine as all it does is bring up what eBay want you to see, not what you actually want to see.


I really don't understand eBay, when I started on here they had a winning formula, it all worked well, we made good money and they made record profits every quarter. Then they started tinkering with the site, usually to gain them more income to please shareholders... huge price increases....leading to managed Payments and total control over every aspect of a sale with a real Big Brother approach.


Most of eBay's problems are of their own making.


n this process eBay have massively turned people off, sellers and buyers from a friendly site and the go place to get things, it's turned into a corporate monster with ebay breathing down your neck the whole time.


That is not what the founding principles of the site were, and what made it such a success.

Message 11 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

And by now giving free llstings etc to private sellers, ebay are oonce again dumping from a great height on the business sellers, helping to price us out completely.


There is absoluetly no sense in having a business account on here anymore, you just get robbed and have for quite some while, with no benefits or even having what was once called a 'Featured Shop'.

Message 12 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

It's not scary at all.


Customer "base" is only a tiny fraction of how a multi billion (trillion ?) business works.


It all comes down to cost of investment ,long term profit projection,I.Q.,other investments,fingers in pies etc etc etc etc.....................................................


Capital investors usually have a 5 year plan.Fail in the first 3 but excell in the last 2.Anything after that is ice cream 24/7.


How long has this site been going,dribble.

Message 13 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

I saw master of pieces I think on YouTube and he spotted that eBay 



same as vinted then and he said other things too

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 14 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

@typo_lee this subject always gets confusing because of changes eBay made in 2021. Many sites never adjusted or updated to reflect the new info, so there's a lot of outdated/incorrect data floating around if you just Google search trying to find how many active users eBay has.


Active Seller stats are not something eBay typically reports publicly in their quarterly earnings, but they did for a short time in 2021. At that time the numbers were:


Q1: 20 Million

Q 2: 19 Million

Q 3: 19 Million

Q4: 17 Million


eBay has not reported Active Seller stats publicly since Q4 2021, so anything you see claiming to have stats for after that is just someone's estimate/guess.


As for Active Buyers, eBay changed the definition of GMV back at the end of 2021, which also changed the definition of Active Buyer, and they restated figures for both going back to 2018 at that time.




Previously, GMV was defined as "the total value of all successfully closed transactions between users on our platforms during the period, regardless of whether the buyer and seller actually consummated the transaction."


In this context, consummated basically just meant paid - so every BIN checkout or auction with a winning bid was counted, even if the buyer never actually paid for the item.


That also meant that per the previous definition, active buyers and sellers were those who "successfully closed" a transaction on the platform in the previous 12 months - with closed again not necessarily meaning it was ever actually paid for or shipped.


At the end of 2021, the definition of GMV was changed to "the total value of all paid transactions on our platforms inclusive of shipping fees and taxes" and the definitions of Active Buyer and Seller were also changed to reflect that those stats only included people who participated in a paid transaction on the site within the last 12 months.


eBay changed and published the new/restated GMV and Active Buyer stats going back to 2018 to reflect what they would have been based on the new definition, but not everyone got the memo.


That has now created a very confusing situation where many websites that publish these stats have a mish mash of data, some of which is outdated or no longer accurate or at least not very helpful because depending on which data they are showing from when, it may not actually be an apples to apples comparison of numbers that were consistently measured using the same definitions.


Here's a chart showing the accurate restated numbers back to 2018, according to eBay's actual financial disclosures in quarterly reports filed with the SEC - which is the only direct, public source available for this data.


As of the most recent report in Q2 2024, eBay's Active Buyer statistics have been stalled at 132M for 5 quarters and they have now had 9 consequtive quarters with less buyers than in Q1 2018.




They haven't announced a date for the Q3 report yet, but it will likely be sometime in the next month or so.

Message 15 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

My guess is those stalled 132 million buyers is an inflated figure. Our best years were 2020 and 2021 for obvious reasons (COVID) but that drop after is quite substantial and I think thats because people returned to the high street to shop and socialise with friends again post covid.

Message 16 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

@typo_lee wrote:

My guess is those stalled 132 million buyers is an inflated figure. Our best years were 2020 and 2021 for obvious reasons (COVID) but that drop after is quite substantial and I think thats because people returned to the high street to shop and socialise with friends again post covid.

@typo_lee not sure what you mean by inflated figure?


It counts any account which paid for a transaction in the last 12 months, and on their quarterly filings they also note that some people may have more than one account.


ebayQ224buyers2 (1).jpg


It is mandatory for eBay to file these reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a publicly traded company and there would be serious fines, not to mention shareholder lawsuits, if they were caught materially misrepresenting their business performance or fudging the numbers, so while I know eBay likes to play fast and loose with statistics in many areas, I don't believe they'd likely risk SEC blowback by inflating the numbers in these reports, if that's what you meant.

Message 17 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

eBay has lost a complete generation of buyers (and sellers).  Just ask around your family members aged say 16-28 if they have an eBay account.  My guess is 90% will say no. 


In my opinion, eBay have completely misread the marketplace and recent "free" listings for private (and now business sellers) is probably too little too late for that age group.  We shall see. 

Message 18 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

Its true my kids between 10 and 20 only talk about Shein and Temu etc, because the limited time i let them spend on tiktok etc is obviously enough to brainwash them into thinking these sites have amazing deals and value.

Message 19 of 24
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Ebay user base decline. Scary

All knock off though. Hopefully they won't feel the need to sell their items as eBay turns you over to the USA to be sued for one ring 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 20 of 24
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