05-07-2024 5:25 PM
Are there any admins on here.
i am viewing all in dollshouse and miniatures. I cannot view uk only listings. The item location filter is missing.There are no postage prices showing, except for international listings.. I cannot even do a nearest first because that is just showing me items in other countries or an item that is miles away. My own items are nearest first and they are nowhere to be seen.
Are my potential buyers also being put off as I am because they dont want to view 100,00s of listings.
Please assure me that this is a glitch and not a new improved page layout.
11-07-2024 9:25 AM
@spence0175 wrote:#anita@ebay. Any news on the update please.
Sorry but she probably won't see that tag attempt.
11-07-2024 11:08 AM
Hi @spence0175 ,
There is no update yet, I'm afraid. As soon as I have an update I will share it here.
In the meantime, if you search for the item using the Search Bar on the main page and then select the 'Dolls miniatures & houses' category from the top right, you'll have the 'Item location' filter along with many other filters.
Thank you,
11-07-2024 11:25 AM
Sorry Anita but this does not work. I have just looked for some listings that I have done. They are not showing in that method but they are when you you select all listings, along with all the other worldwide listings.
Having talked to a number of collector friends who are just buyers, they are already fed up and are turning away.
Why is this taking so long to fix. It's tough enough to sell as it is
11-07-2024 3:11 PM
Getting ridiculous now in all honesty.
I use Chrome on my PC/Desktop,just tried cleaning cache,still the same so thought I would try both Firefox and Microsoft Edge to see if Chrome might be the problem but nope,same on the other two as well.
11-07-2024 4:47 PM
This is not a problem with what browser we are using. I also think this is not a glitch.....a friend said a similar thing has happened on E&&y.
19-07-2024 1:42 PM
Hello all,
Just wanted to update you on the missing filter issue. The tech team has confirmed there is an issue from our end and is currently working on it to get it resolved. I currently don't have an estimated fix time, but they are working on it to get it resolved as soon as possible.
Thank you,
19-07-2024 3:21 PM
Brilliant Anita and a huge relief in that they have acknowledged that there actually is a problem(and that its getting fixed) and that its not a permanent thing!!
Thank you.
01-08-2024 12:42 PM
Hello all,
I received an update and the team advised that the issue is resolved on the mobile web and the fix for the desktop browser is on the way.
Once I have further confirmation that it's been fully resolved, I will update you here.
Thank you,
10-08-2024 7:33 AM
Still not sorted,fixed and getting beyond a joke now.
Surely some tech,IT geek could by now easily get it sorted and put back to how it was??
10-08-2024 8:49 AM
It is. This was reported by me on the 5th July. It's now 10th August.
There are some other weird things going on. If I go to vintage and classic toys and type in doll, it takes me straight out of vintage and classic toys and gives me a whole eBay search.
If I type in vintage doll in All categories, it takes me to dolls and playsets.
This site used to be so easy to navigate and use. It's all so frustrating....
13-08-2024 4:07 PM
For anyone else who's still having this problem, just add this to the end of your search URL:
...and for anyone who's still missing the UK postage prices in search or browse results, add this:
...where XXXXXXX is your postcode (no space).
What was happening here for me was that my location was defaulting to United States with a postcode of GBR. I only discovered this by accident when sorting by distance.
Hope this helps.
13-08-2024 4:11 PM
I have no idea what you mean as I'm computer illiterate but Thankyou for your suggestion
13-08-2024 4:27 PM
When you browse to the "Doll's House Décor & Other Miniature Accessories" category, the address shown in your browser will be:
...and like you I don't see the Item Location filter.
Just change the address at the top of your browser to this:
...or just click the line above. I now see only UK items, with UK postage prices.
To make this work for other categories, just add this bit:
...to the end of the category address in your browser address bar.
13-08-2024 7:22 PM
Thankyou but that link doesn't work for me. There is still no filter. The category I view is dollshouse and dollshouse miniatures.
22-09-2024 9:29 PM
I also cannot search the way I used to - very frustrating. It won't let me enter my postcade and filter by nearest.
26-09-2024 9:47 AM
This is now spreading and makes browsing a specific category impossible. anita@ebay said nearly 2 months ago that it was a glitch and being fixed, but it looks like it is now being randomly rolled out across the site. The 'All Filters' button needs to be available on every search page, whoever thought it a good idea to remove it needs sacking, it is costing the company money and customers.
29-11-2024 9:13 AM
Still the same problem after 4 months
I understand what you mean, but you can only edit the address if you have a mouse. On tablets, it just takes it as a new search term and deletes everything
30-11-2024 6:54 AM
Still the same and saved me a fortune as cannot but what I cannot find anymore due to the constant tinkering that was never needed but thats "progress" for you.
Ebay you can try to attract all the new sellers you want with your fancy( and expensive no doubt) TV ads BUT if you are then making it near impossible for buyers to find the items that these new sellers(and all the others) are listing then whats the point.
Please reset everything and revert back to the Ebay of 10 years ago and stop ruining it for both buyers and sellers with every pointless, unnecessary change.
30-11-2024 9:06 AM
I’m glad I’m not the only person finding the lack of filters so frustrating as a buyer and a seller.
I see an item. The price is in £s. I click on it only to find it’s in Germany or usa. Total waste of my time.
I look at my own listing in a search. If I’m selling it internationally the postage shown is the international one.
If a person in the uk looks at it, then they think my postage is horrendous and will pass it by.
No wonder people are being turned off by it.
Ebay please give us back our choice on what countries items we wish to filter….before we lose even more customers
30-11-2024 9:19 AM
There are workarounds for both of these problems, but they shouldn't be necessary...