19-12-2024 9:32 AM
Hey everyone I could do with some advice, I've had two items ending around the same time.
We'll call them A & B, item A was won and paid for by an account called Chris, it was paid for immediately, on that item I've had another user message asking to cancel their bid but they have a different name. Their name has actually won item B, item B still hasn't been paid for and I am getting no response from this individual.
It looks to me as though they're using multiple accounts, blocking others bidding then demanding they only pay for one item they've won. I believe they messaged with their wrong account thus allowing me to now know their other. Now item B had several bidders they've effectively blocked from winning. They've cost me a sale which otherwise would have gone to someone else but as the usernames are different I can't prove it.
I'm out of pocket and I don't know what to do. The usernames are completely different but it's bizarre that they've messaged on an item they didn't win to request for a different item cancelled which they've apparently won, they're clearly stating they've won more than one but I only see one item with their name.
19-12-2024 10:13 AM
Contact eBay Customer Support, explain the situation - and your concerns that one bidder is using more than one ID to manipulate auctions.
They may be able to see a link between the accounts (like the same registered address), and if so, they will be able to take some action against the buyer.
CS will also give you advice on how to respond to the message.
It may be innocent (lots of people have more than one eBay account, and husbands and wives sometimes use each other's accounts). But it sounds complicated, and you really need some guidance from CS on how to proceed.
19-12-2024 10:28 AM
If the item is paid for, you can post.
The item not paid for just cancel under " buyer asked to cancel"...
Will that work?