Best match tweek reducing sales since September ?

I noticed a reduced in sales since September and whilst there are many factors one thing Ive noticed in particular is that when I search for an item it will bring up the lowest price items using " best match "


Whilst this is great for new items anyone who sells 2nd hand items knows that condition is everything and the lowest price isnt always the best or the one the buying is looking for.


Since its done this I believe the search is generating results that are less attractive to buyers and resulting in them less likely to buy and causing a reduction in sales in the 2nd hand market.

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Best match tweek reducing sales since September ?

The problem with the search engine, is that it picks up your habits and tries to bend the search, to what you actually want.

So just because your seeing it that way, doesn't mean that everyone else is.

I don't.  I tend to get a lot of american results, but it's probably because of some searches I've done recently.


The only way to check this, is to sign out of Ebay completely.

Preferably use a different browser and clear all cookies.

Then try searching again, without being signed in.

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Best match tweek reducing sales since September ?

Had reduced sales in October for some unknown reason, went from 15-20 per day to 1 and zero three times last week 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
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Best match tweek reducing sales since September ?

We are getting 50% of the sales this october compared to other years and november has started even worst. I really believe people arent shopping on ebay this christmas.

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Best match tweek reducing sales since September ?

I'm finding it patchy.  I sell mainly second-hand books and vintage clothes and accessories.

There are certain types of items which are selling well, but others are dead as a dodo.  


One change I have noticed, compared with sales at this time of year in the past, is that there are very specific price ranges and products which are selling like hot cakes..


Along the lines of "Illustrated poetry books, Edwardian editions, priced between £20 and £30".

There's nothing new about items being fashionable, it's the price ranges that puzzle me.  

I don't know whether eBay is prompting buyers to narrow down their purchases by price range, or whether certain price ranges are getting a boost in Best Match.  


Or perhaps everyone is doing secret Santas with strict price limits this year?


Cesario, the Count's gentleman
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