Viewing Feedback

In 'All Orders', on the right hand side of the page there is an 'Engage Buyer' section with 2 icons, these icons show at a glance whether you have been left feedback and if you have left feedback.  For the past few days, I can no longer see these icons and I thought they had just disappeared.  However, I have just noticed that they are still there but the only way I can now see them is to scroll right down to the bottom of the page, then scroll across the bottom as far as the bar slides.


I think Ebay have been playing with the look of this page.  On some of the other pages it's possible to move items around so you can choose what you want to see, in which order but I can't seem to do this on the 'orders' page.  For example, I don't need to see my buyer's post code, but I do want to see my feedback icons.  Would anyone know how I can alter the page?



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There have been other posts about this.


The only way i know how to see what feedback iv'e left and for what and what has been left for me and for what is to view my feedback page and view feedback as a buyer and feedback left for others.


Personally it doesn't matter to me at all what comes in or what goes out as i only buy now and as my feedback for buying can only ever be 100% it makes no difference to my status.


Very different for sellers though.

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It's just another 'improvement' to annoy sellers.

When I print a packing slip, I leave feedback.  The pen icon goes dark, so I know that order is in the pipeline.  It would be good to have an 'order in process' box to check, but this is eBay - can't expect features that help workflow.

Now, as you say, I have to go to the bottom of the page and scroll across to see the pen icon. 

Infuriating.  Absolutely infuriating.

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This got me "boiled" too.


However, on my screen, I noticed that the right hand columns ( where the feedback icons reside) appeared to be  cut off.

So, I went to the browser settings ellipsis ( 3 dots at top RHS) and zoomed the display to 67%....... VOILA!

Changing the page display to full screen helped compensate for the reduced character size.

Does this  help??

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I'll try your suggestion next time I get a sale and have to use the Horrible Hub again.


When I was told I could customise the thing I narrowed  every column to the left of "Engage with Buyer" I could, which brought it into view (or sometimes just one icon).   But the columns somehow keep growing back, pushing it off-screen again.  Perhaps because ebay's fiddling with things again?


I've given up now, I have left FB for some of the buyers who left FB for me, if I happened to notice my score has gone up, (by looking at my FB page as suggested above).  If I don't notice, I'm sorry but it's just hard luck on the the buyer. 


I'm just totally fed-up wasting my time on ebay in general and in particular when doing so to correct ebays deficiencies.

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