Buyers not leaving feedback

Hi guys, 


I'm pretty new to eBay. I've sold a few items now. I've made sure buyers get the item safely packaged, quickly ( usually dispatched same day if possible ) and fully tracked..


The first couple of sale,  I got great Feedback. But my next few sales, despite providing the same fast service, going to great lengths to get everything right. And despite me leaving them positive feedback. 

The buyers are not giving feedback? I understand they aren't obliged to give feedback. But as a new seller this is vital really. 

Should I jog their memories and ask for feedback or just leave it? Kind of frustrating when you've gone to great lengths to go " above and beyond " and then get no feedback. 


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Buyers not leaving feedback

It can be disappointing but truly,  after a while it will become the norm,  as fewer and fewer buyers leave feedback.


As you correcty say,  feedback is entirely voluntary for both parties.


As a tip,   I recommend Never asking for feedback as you may receive some you didn't wish for. 


You may just remind a buyer who received for example ,  an ' OK' transaction,  but now you're asking how it went,  they could leav e you a neutral / negative.


Your feedback score will increase,  sell nice , well described items reasonably priced,  and you'll see that feedback score rise,  albeit most probably slowly.

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Message 2 of 11
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Buyers not leaving feedback

It can be disappointing but truly,  after a while it will become the norm,  as fewer and fewer buyers leave feedback.


As you correcty say,  feedback is entirely voluntary for both parties.


As a tip,   I recommend Never asking for feedback as you may receive some you didn't wish for. 


You may just remind a buyer who received for example ,  an ' OK' transaction,  but now you're asking how it went,  they could leav e you a neutral / negative.


Your feedback score will increase,  sell nice , well described items reasonably priced,  and you'll see that feedback score rise,  albeit most probably slowly.

Message 2 of 11
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Buyers not leaving feedback

Thanks Tess,


Yes its definitely disappointing when they don't leave FB. What you say about not contacting is kind of what I was thinking myself. The item I sold was brand new so it would be difficult to see why there would be an issue but I see your point.


I guess I'll have to keep going and hope people give positive FB. 


Message 3 of 11
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Buyers not leaving feedback

Believe me,   the longer you sell the less and less important it is to receive that feedback.


Yes,  there are buyers who look at feedback first before buying but here, it's not the number of feedbacks you have but what they actually say, if I only ever read that first feedback you received it would make my decision easy,  to a positive one , to buy from you straight away.



Message 4 of 11
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Buyers not leaving feedback

Ah ok, so you are saying quality over quantity. 

I guess this is good to know. As out of the two for selling I have one is the buyer saying it was his best experience on here. 🙂


Message 5 of 11
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Buyers not leaving feedback

Yep,   that's the one I read,   and if buyers do come to read your feedback ,  not everyone does by the way before buying,  then if they were in any doubt to buy from you,  that would as I said,   have swayed me  and I'm sure any buyer,  to buy from you with confidence.



Message 6 of 11
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Buyers not leaving feedback



I've been on eBay 20+ years apprently, during that time FB has changed; whereas it used to be the norm to leave FB after almost every transaction - buying & selling - nowadays it's a lower percentage. 


Please DON'T "chase" feedback, I never respond to sellers who do this, sorry.


Also bear in mind, some buyers take a while to leave FB - I just had (positive) FB this week from an item which was delivered before Xmas.


Keep doing what you're doing, FB will build up!


Best of luck.

Message 7 of 11
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Buyers not leaving feedback

Cheers to both of you for responding, yeah I'm not gonna chase. 

It seems one or two very positives may be enough and that is good news to me. I do wish people would take the time to leave it though. 

Take care all. 

Message 8 of 11
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Buyers not leaving feedback


And the best type of feedback to get is a repeat buyer - and their money!


Message 9 of 11
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Buyers not leaving feedback

Replying to myself here.

While I do agree with all of you and thank you for input. I need to make this point to get it off my chest.. Apologies in advance 😂



Ive purchased a few items on eBay since posting this. The app actually prompts buyers to leave feedback after each purchase is delivered. So there is really no excuse to not leave it. I'm a new user I need positive feedback to build up really. I have 2 seller feedback after selling a number of items. All shipped same day, packaged like Fort Knox's and items as described, have gone above and beyond for each buyer to make sure they get the item as described and quickly. 


I've purchased a number of items over the past few months myself.  I have always left the seller feedback. ( I assumed it was just standard practice / common courtesy ).. 


Not leaving feedback is just pure and utter laziness. There's a pattern it seems, the users who left me feedback took the time to  enquire about the item prior to purchasing. With my last sale I received a notification when buying the postage label, stating that the address may need changing. I messaged the buyer to ask for confirmation of his addresses details and he couldn't even be bothered to answer me...  ( Item arrived at its destination a few days ago ) Perhaps this is just the way on eBay? It's pure and utter laziness if you ask me. 


Rant over have a great weekend all. 😉

Message 10 of 11
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Buyers not leaving feedback

I agree totally, buyers have become lazy and too busy with "social media" and other things, i agree to not ask for feedback though! I did try in a nice way to a buyer who bought 5 items separately from me, I asked did the y all arrive safely  but got no reply, so gave up and yes I think that they might leave negative because they may not have been (totally) happy etc etc. Nice people leave feedback and I think lazy rude people don't 

Message 11 of 11
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