what do you think about panini closing store listing!?

Hi Panini people!

just looking for your ideas about having a panini closing store on ebay, will discuss from several view:


1.Pricing: always it is an attractive issue when it comes to the price point!! for example a set of euro 2000

you can find it on regular buy it now price for 125 pound no album, but if you list the same item under a closing

sale price, then price should not exceed 85 pound!! this will make items turnover high.


2.Quantity: is it better to list your items all and comprehensively! as more than 10 available or limited numbers per

each month, maybe the 2 option is away better, at least to save some interesting to your list.


3.Pricing again: should seller go lower than his closing price? maybe no, as the already attractive!! and should he

accept side offers??


4.Buyers: what is your target the wholesalers or individuals, actually wholesalers will ask for more price discount!!


5.Life of closing sales store: I guess this depends on how aggressive you go on lowering pricing!!


I guess that's all from my side, and now I wait for your feedback,



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