Wrote wild heart untamed

Hi  I think someone has been selling my book on a contract I did not sign and I have not received any money for it.  I am of course thankful to anykne who has bought my book but am a single mum and just finished my psychology degree so it would really be helpful to my life.  I also want to write more but only if j can trust suppliers.  Can somekne from eBay contact me.  happy to video call and provide identification if required.  Also know my work. Thanks 

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Wrote wild heart untamed

This is nothing eBay can help you with.  If your book is available in shops, someone can buy it and sell it on eBay if they wish .


Is someone doing this in great numbers ?  Legal advice should be sought as to how to proceed.


I have just checked and there are none of your books for sale on eBay.

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Wrote wild heart untamed

Experienced Mentor

I think someone has been selling my book


Do you mean selling physical copies of your book, or selling it for digital delivery?


It makes a difference.


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