Signed in to ebay but site not functioning

I am signed into ebay and can search items but that is all I am able to do. Functionality is not there

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Signed in to ebay but site not functioning

There have been similar reports from other member from the past few days,  so you're not alone.


I have tagged 2 Community Managers to ask if this is a technical issue, when I get a reply,  I'll come back to you.


In the meantime which device and browser are you using?  If the app or mobile browser, then switch if you can to a PC / laptop and use  Chrome or Firefox they work best with eBay,  and try from there,  it might help.


Reports are coming through that users of Mac and Safari are having issues,  so here,  well worth changing device and browsers, until we can see a permanent fix,  which is  a long time coming.

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