Sales over 1600 pounds

Hello, we are trying to sale an. item for 1600 pounds on Ebay. We are not comfortable with getting this amount  in cash nor with giving our full details until an electronic payment has gone through. Worried about scam buyers which I heard of on radio.  Please could you advise the safest way to exchange. We thought Paypal was the solution but we now have realised that Ebay doesn't work with Paypal anymore. 

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Sales over 1600 pounds

Experienced Mentor

For a collection item it should always be cash on collection and inspection.

It is much safer for you.


If the buyer pays through ebay then that money will be on hold and could possibly be held for up to 21 days as you are a new or returning seller.

The buyer pays the money to ebay and then once they have taken their fees then the remainder is put into your bank account

You cant refuse a paypment through ebay but if the buyer wants to pay in cash then that is what you should do



We are just ordinary members trying to help.
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Sales over 1600 pounds

Experienced Mentor

You're worrying about the wrong things.


The fact that payment has cleared or "gone through" is irrelevant on eBay. (In any case, if the buyer has paid online through eBay, as a returning seller your payment will be held for up to 21 days as a security precaution anyway, so that funds are available to refund the buyer if required.)


The big risk for sellers is that if buyers pay online through eBay it is all too easy to abuse eBay's money back guarantee, or the chargeback protection provided by many electronic payment methods. Sellers can be required to refund buyers weeks or even months after a sale was completed.


This is why we usually recommend asking for cash on collection after inspection as the safest method of payment when the buyer collects an item in person. However, sellers are not allowed to refuse online payment through eBay, if that's how the buyer wants to pay, except in special categories e.g. vehicles or boats.


Good luck, I hope it all goes well!

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