Multiple items not arriving that I sold

What can I do!!!!! I have sent multiple items I have sold by Royal Mail and they are not arriving got in touch with them and have had no reply can I stop this from giving a negative impact on my eBay account???

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Multiple items not arriving that I sold

Experienced Mentor

You cant stop buyers from leaving feedback

If you are sending many items to different areas and they are not arriving then it sounds as if you have a problem at your end. You can claim for lost items with the tracking number or the 16 digit code on the receipt.

Check the RM site to see how to claim. 

Have your buyers opened not received disputes or are you just going by the tracking which could be just slow to  update.



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Multiple items not arriving that I sold

How do you know the items have not arrived?

Have your buyers opened not received cases.  As advised, it could just be tracking is slow to update.

Make sure you add any tracking (including the 16 digit delivery code) when you post items and only ever send to the address shown in 'order details' in your sold items.

When you say 'got in touch with them' who do you mean?  Royal Mail?  Ebay?  Your buyers?


Finally, if 'multiple items' you have sent with Royal Mail are not arriving, have a think about what you are doing.

I exclusively use Royal Mail and have had no 'not recieved' cases this year.  I had one last year.  Royal Mail are probably not to blame.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
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