I don't have sales since 2 weeks even if I have views

Hi everyone, please if someone can help me. I don't sales even if I have many views on my listing. I was private seller and from 1 week I upgrade to business seller. I have 101 listings some with 0 view but from 2 weeks it is really hard to sell something. My listing are completely fill all the recommendations and more. If someone can help me. Thank you. I have a listing with doormats that has around 225 views and 11 watching. I checked the price it is good and when I do a search for doormat my listing is on the top of the search but no sales. Thank you for your help. 

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Re: I don't have sales since 2 weeks even if I have views

eBay tell sellers the first 4 words in  a title are the most important as those are the ones buyers will use when searching for those items.


All I can see as a little amiss in your titles,  is that you do not have the sizes in the title,  it may help a little to add these?


Otherwise,  it's true to say by the many posts here, that sales are low for everyone.  People just don't have the money to pay for any non essential items,  when the cost of living,  utility bills are sky high.


It's a difficult period for everyone.

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Re: I don't have sales since 2 weeks even if I have views

Thank you for your advice. I am going to improve my listings' titles thank you for this. 

And about the cost of living, it's right, it is really difficult for everyone. Thank you again for your help. 

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Re: I don't have sales since 2 weeks even if I have views

You're most welcome,  and good luck with your sales too!

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