Sad news re Deno

SOME VERY SAD NEWS. for all ex loonys and Deno supporters.
I have just a phone call from Frank ( up the creek again ) to say The vet will be coming in the next hour or 2 to put him at rest.
His health has deteriorated over the last year and taken a turn for the worst. He is producing too much insulin and he went down this morning and Posh stood over him as expected. They managed to get him back up again but the vet has said its not fair on Deno to keep him alive.
I would like to thank everyone who has supported Deno in the past with fund raising and visiting and i know Frank is feeling this loss because he really bonded with him.
He will be buried in the orchard .
See my me page if you want to pay some dosh in for Deno and posh
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Re: Sad news re Deno

oh what a terrible shock for all.

And What a huge decision to have to make.


May he roam the orchard pain free.


sending big hugs to frank and all Deno's family and friends.


the end of an era


?I guess I should warn you. If you know what I said, you've probably misunderstood.?
Message 2 of 5
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Re: Sad news re Deno

yes biker.   😞    deno had the very best life with Frank.    he had become deaf in the last year or so so poor old frank or corrie had to find him in the orchard at food time.   hes now passed and posh  and frank stayed with him .  it was the right time as they found other health issues which were painful.  i am going to miss him terribly. other news is both of his dogs also had to be put to sleep.   phebo just before christmas anmd his sister a year or 2 before.  

See my me page if you want to pay some dosh in for Deno and posh
Message 3 of 5
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Re: Sad news re Deno

Sad sad news indeed and the ultimate sign of love letting a fur baby go to frolic pain free in the warm sun wherever they may be.

The day will come when we will all be reunited but in the meantime remember they are not gone because we carry them with us in our hearts and minds. and Deno could not have asked for a better family than he had when he was here.


R.I.P. Deno

Message 4 of 5
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Re: Sad news re Deno

Very sorry to read this news. I've enjoyed reading the Deno thread for a long time.

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

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