Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

Have been in the bedroom on the computer and my wife was in living room watching tv. Went through to see if she wanted a cuppa and she was watching "Blinging Up Baby" ! 

What has gone wrong with these people thinking that what they are doing to their children is ok ! Fake tans, nail polish etc on very young girls ! Come on let children be children as they will grow up quick enough and I believe these very young girls will grow up to be very vain and believe they should be treated as someone special.

God help these parents when these children grow into spoilt teenagers expecting everything they want and ask for. I see huge tantrums ahead.

Message 1 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

Hear hear well said. Wouldnt watch it sawvit advertised some people need their heads examining.
Message 2 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

These parents are making a rod for their own backs.  For heavens sake, let children be children.   These parents have stolen their children's childhood if that makes sense.

Message 3 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

its a very clever doc, the participants are so proud to be strutting their way of life on tv, as always desperate for a few minutes of fame, but its exposing and hilighting them as ridiculous and the funny thing is that when they watch it on tv they wont even get that. good for the people blinging to sell, laugh all the way to the bank. jeremy viles waiting room!

Message 4 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

We have a town full of these kids but all of them come from the local Gypsy site , no-one else is sad enough to make their kids go through this or make them old before their time

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”
Message 5 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

I absolutely agree with you OP, it's disgusting what some people do to their children. Children should be allowed to be children, there is plenty of time for all that stupid stuff when they grow up and are able to choose for themselves whether they want to do that to themselves. As to explioting their children to get their moment of fame, well they should have the social services after them!!
Message 6 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

There is something very weird seeing a child wearing makeup, false eyelashes etc especially with all the problems that it attracts.
Children should be children & not dressed up like precocious little adults, totally offensive. IMO .

Message 7 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

Those parents will be the first to complain if their dolled up children get a certain type of unwanted attention.
Next mood swing in 6 minutes

Message 8 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

I just wonder what kind of adults these children will grow up to be !

 I myself  was brought up in a mining village and we were poor in monetary terms but extremely rich in good neighbours and friends who were in the same boat as us. We played outdoors in the woods climbing trees, going fishing, playing football when all the boys had done their paper or milk rounds and chipped in to buy a ball.

Ok we were scruffy and had skinned knees etc but we were happy and healthy.

The children in this programme will never get to know the enjoyment of being children, playing with friends and hearing the laughter of a group of friends doing something silly together.

Even to this day I would like to think I am polite and helpful, at nearly 60 when I meet my uncle I still call him Uncle Jim and if I can help anyone with anything I will do so.

Will these children even be taught it costs nothing to be nice to other people ?

Message 9 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

Well said dark_castle  my childhood was much the same as yours 😄

A bed without a quilt is like a sky without stars.
Message 10 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

That's the difference though, you were allowed to act like a child in the knowledge that you were safe, this has been lost nowadays, how many people speak let alone know their neighbours, how many children are as clean & tidy when they come home as when they went out!.

Message 11 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

Me too Dark Castle, we didn't have much money when I was growing up but we were allowed to br children and did stuff that was age-appropriate. We rarely had new clothes and had inexpensive stuff at Christmas and birthdays, however, that stuff was appreciated and looked after and I was still grateful when I got something nice, even if it was second-hand. We were also taught nice manners and things like helping and thinking of others. That is so much more important and I too still value those things now, at 53, and try to pass them to my children. We also used to be taken out, on holiday etc, we had expeiriences, nothing massively expensive but times in a caravan and mucking about at the seaside - I still love mucking about at the seaside today. It wasn't always easy and my Mum was on her own eventually, we lived in Gran's house and sometimes there was tension. But we were loved and knew it.
Message 12 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

Ahh i wondered if anyone else had seen that programme. Disgusting i thought it was. TOO MUCH,,, young girls merely out of Babehood dressing like that and having Fake Tan sprayed all over them. And the Beauty Pageants??. They should be ashamed of themselves the mothers and the people who arrange these money spinning Contests!. Thing is i cant understand where they were gatting all the money to get these expensive clothes and treatments?. There did not seem to be fathers on the scene, and even if there is why do they want their daughters looking like THAT?!!!!.


I was never allowed to dress like that, nor did my mother want to dress me like that. And she would never have put me in a contest and tried to make it look like i wanted to do it!!!. The dark haired mother with the little girl who did not want to go on the stage looked very disgruntled at the end. How dare she make her daughter feel like that!!. Shameful!Woman SurprisedWoman MadWoman Sad

Message 13 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

Did you see the 'Kids with Guns' one in the week? Mind boggling!

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 14 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

Dark Castle said it all for me.


I actually didn't know we were poor until I went to work, before that I had no yardstick to compare, because where I lived everyone was the same!  I remember my mother going all out to make sure we were well turned out, and we had summer boaters and winter hats and coats (C&A).  I have always thought it am working class thing to be well dressed, I'm always the one who is over rather than under dressed at any social function.  A hark back to the days we had nothing.


There was a family member (in-law) who turned up at my Papa's funeral in a pink and white candy striped dress, we, all in our sombre black, were appalled, especially the elders.  I, as the eldest grandchild got the job of relaying this 'faux pas' to her.  She was going to meet a friend at the airport directly afterwards.  My Uncle Jim, whose daughter in law it was, then told her, I don't care if you're meeting the Queen Mither this is my faither's funeral.  He did use rather more colourful language.  Oh I miss him, he was great fun.


These kids, as Dark Castle says, are missing out so much on the basic learning process of growing up,hide and seek, kick the can, rounders and much more - shocking.  And yes, I did watch part of the Guns thing, until it got to the father whose 6 year old son accidentally shot himself.  What a world.

Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Nobody told me there'd be days like these,
Strange days indeed, strange days indeed,
Most peculiar Mamma.....................................
Message 15 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

Dark, Fishy and Rainy said it was the same for me, we had to watch our p's and q's. We got presents at birthdays and Christmas, but not inbetween. New clothing .... hat and Easter and Christmas.


they are so spoilt nowadays and not taught manners, it's a shameful world, like someone has said, they make a rod for their own backs, when these kids reach their 20's they'll be demanding little rotters.


Message 16 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

It is all wrong the way these children are brought up.  At the end of the day, manners cost nothing.  Having said that, I've come across some older people who are totally devoid of manners.  If anyone else 'forgot' to use their manners towards them, they wouldn't like it.  


When I was growing up, money didn't grow on trees.  Up to me being 11, there was only my dad's wage coming in.  As has been said, I only got presents for birthday and Christmas plus a new outfit for Easter.  I certainly don't feel like I missed out on anything as I had a really good upbringing even though money was tight.

Message 17 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

@ilove2patch wrote:

Did you see the 'Kids with Guns' one in the week? Mind boggling!

OOOhh YES Patch that was Awful too,, that poor girl with the father. He said she was doing it for herself!!!!. Errrr i dont think so!!Woman Sad

Message 18 of 19
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Re: Is there something wrong with these people or is it me !!!

I honestly don't think it has to do with money the way we grow up, I think it has to do with the grounding our parents give us, no amount of money can replace love, morals, respect for yourself & others & best of all the feeling you have done your best!.
Children who are allowed to become brats end up breeding Brats, & it's such a shame they will never know the joy of getting dirty mixing with normal happy free thinking kids & generally just being a carefree innocent child, in the end they are to be pitied & the parents should be ashamed of stealing their child's best years!.

Message 19 of 19
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