Hospital's sense of humour

I have to have a Bowel scan, the appt has arrived today, for the end of January, complete with the horrible bottle of  "prep" etc. I wish the hospital  had waited until AFTER Christmas to send it!! Really made my day. Woman Happy

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Re: Hospital's sense of humour

I know where you're coming from Carol.  The hospital I have to keep going back to at the moment is a private hospital that does a lot of NHS work.  They've messed me about something awful and I think that it is just a ploy of this hospital to get as much money as they can out the NHS and I think that it stinks.  


Good luck when you finally have the scan Carol.

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Re: Hospital's sense of humour

Crikey, reminds me of when I was tested for Helicobacter, I think it was.  I was given a jar/flask thingy for a sample, with a screw lid with an integral little spoon, for all the world like the ones you get with a tub of ice-cream.  I had to.... well, you can imagine.  Talk about humiliating, even with no-one else there.  I do so sympathise with anyone with "down there" problems,  but getting checked out is SOOOO important.  Here's to a favourable result

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Re: Hospital's sense of humour

Same happened to me a couple of years ago.

I felt humiliated, even in the total privacy of my own bathroom.


Yet an hour or so later, in broad daylight, in front of the world and his wife, I was picking up my dog`s doo doos, without a second thought.


Makes no sense to me.

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Re: Hospital's sense of humour

my mum is a bowel cancer survivor, 


the more its talked about the better.......... we all poo.........yes its emabarassing but why should it? probably because its talked about in whispers much like the BIG C.... well now cancer is a word that isnt whispered about now or called the BiG C.



hope everything will be okay carol...... but glad you posted xo


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