Are you a light sleeper and

if you get wakened do you need to get up out of bed ?

I do and that is why I am on here ! My OH shouted out about 0324 "watch out you do not fall" and that woke me, got up about 0340 because I could not fall back asleep, made a cuppa and switched telly on. What a load of rubbish there is on freeview in the early hours, so thought "hey take the dog a walk" ! NO chance, even he did not want to move.

Message 1 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

I tend to be a heavy sleeper but some nights, it can take me a couple of hours to get to sleep which is really annoying.

Message 2 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

If I find it hard to get to sleep books I get up again for a little while and turn the telly on and generally find within half an hour it is time to go back to bed and nod off quite quickly.

Think it will be an early night for me as work tomorrow ! likely be in bed half ten - eleven o'clock tonight because have to be up at 0500.

Message 3 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

I am a very light sleeper and the slightest thing wakes me. Once awake I find it very difficult to get back to sleep.


The lap-top is a godsend, I can do a few hours reviewing case records for work - it's a huge job, slow and mind-numbingly boring. That usually makes me sleepy.


My i-pod is another godsend, I can put the headphones in just put it on shuffle and I will eventually drop off.



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Some days I pray for silence
Some days I pray for soul
Some days I just pray to the god of sex and drums and rock 'n' roll
Message 4 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

I have done that when my mum's been in hospital DC.  If she's lucky enough not to be in hospital, I can't do that or it would disturb her.   It is a good thought though.

Message 5 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

I'm a very light sleeper, hear the slightest sound, then about 6.00 a.m. will go into a deep sleep and not want to get up in the morning! I usually wake up every couple of hours throughout the night but try not to get up as that then wakes the dogs and they want to go outside and once I have been outside with them I have no chance of dozing off again.

Message 6 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

@myraandjim wrote:

I'm a very light sleeper, hear the slightest sound, then about 6.00 a.m. will go into a deep sleep and not want to get up in the morning! I usually wake up every couple of hours throughout the night but try not to get up as that then wakes the dogs and they want to go outside and once I have been outside with them I have no chance of dozing off again.

Exactly the same here myra Woman Happy

@myraandjim wrote:

I'm a very light sleeper, hear the slightest sound, then about 6.00 a.m. will go into a deep sleep and not want to get up in the morning! I usually wake up every couple of hours throughout the night but try not to get up as that then wakes the dogs and they want to go outside and once I have been outside with them I have no chance of dozing off again.

Be not inhospitable to strangers, lest they be Angels in disguise.

Message 7 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

as the saying goes i go to bed to die.very little wakes me up and if it does succeed i just go straight back to sleep.

Running away from your problems is a race you will never win.
Message 8 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

The tiniest sound will wake me - the click of a light switch, or someone stirring a cup of tea downstairs. If I get a total of 4 hours sleep I feel I've had a good night. My husband could play a brass band.


crooksnanny ~ maz
Message 9 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

Does anyone feel that "sleep" is kind of humiliating.  I mean, for hours on end it makes us lie down and  go unconscious.


Admittedly, the unconsciousness ends when we wake up in the morning.  But it seems a strange thing to have to submit to,  every night.


I suppose in ancient times,  it made us keep still and quiescent at night.  So we wouldn't get up and wander about in the dark, and get attacked and eaten by fierce nocturnal predators like leopards.


However, these leopards can easily be disposed of nowadays.  We can shoot them dead with a gun.


So why do we have keep sleeping all night?


Message 10 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

I guess we need to 'recharge' ourselves while asleep. I agree though, it is a strange concept.

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 11 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

Many of you seem to have the same trouble either getting to sleep or staying asleep longer than a couple of hours ,  myself included .


I usually resort to using the Tv with subtitles so as not to disturb OH 🙂 

A bed without a quilt is like a sky without stars.
Message 12 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

I can sleep on a washing line as the saying goes. OH came home from work on my day off at 9.30am, came in, got changed, put the kettle on made a brew, and turned on the TV and we live in a bungalow.....and I didn't wake up until 2hrs laterblushing smiley 2.gif


I find it difficult to get off to sleep as I have a buzzing noise imy ears (like a fridge) which drives me nuts, so I have a radio with a sleep button. I have been known to fall asleep and forget to set the sleep button and I've woken up the next morning with the earplug still in and the radio going!!!!!!


Message 13 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

......... I have a radio with a sleep button. I have been known to fall asleep and forget to set the sleep button and I've woken up the next morning with the earplug still in and the radio going!!!!!!

 That resonates with me, Captain, about falling asleep with the radio going.  When it's on a bedside table or cabinet, and is sending out sound from its speaker. This can cause nightmares.


These nightmares (in my experience)  come in two forms:


1.  Where in the dream, there's an actual radio playing,  and you're trying to switch it off.  So you turn the off-switch.  But no result. The voice from the radio continues. Then you open the radio-case,  and rip the the batteries out of it.  Still no result.  The voice continues remorselessly.  Then in desperation, you grab at bits of the radio's innards - the circuit-board, transistors, wires , everything , and pull them out.  But still the loud voice carries on.


2. Where in the dream, there's no actual radio, but some person speaking loudly.  And you're trying to interrupt them, to make a remark, to "get a word in edgeways".  But your efforts fail - the voice goes on and on and you can't interrupt it or make it stop or make yourself heard and it's awful.


I used to get these nightmares quite often when I fell asleep with the radio on.


But not anymore since I bought a radio with a "sleep button", as you mention in your post.  I set this to "60 minutes".  And that has cured the problem.


There are some other interesting points in your post, such as whether an earpiece plugged into only one ear, generates nightmares.

I found it doesn't, because with the sound going into only one ear, the brain can cancel the input out and ignore it.  It's only when both ears are getting sonic input, like from a bedside radio,  that cancellation isn't possible.  Hence the nightmares



Message 14 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

@petitecalicocat wrote:

Many of you seem to have the same trouble either getting to sleep or staying asleep longer than a couple of hours ,  myself included .


These days I don't worry too much about not sleeping - I worry more about not waking up !  Smiley LOL


crooksnanny ~ maz
Message 15 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

Yes. Those of us here who are of a "certain age", are increasingly facing the "Big Sleep".


The one which goes on forever, with no wake up call. Just peace - all night in, and no reveille. 


So should we oldies be worried,  about not getting to sleep at night -  we'll soon have sleep in abundance.  


Why is that not an attractive thought?



Message 16 of 17
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Re: Are you a light sleeper and

I love sleeping its like dying but without the comitment LOL

A bed without a quilt is like a sky without stars.
Message 17 of 17
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