Has anyone seen the new EU GPSR regulations that come in to force in December.  I have just restarted sending to the EU after the VAT fiasco but these new regulations may mean I have to stop it again.  Most of the items I sell are from the 80s and have gone out of business many years ago so to get the information required is almost impossible. Interestingly it includes Northern Ireland which is not on.

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There's currently a good discussion thread here on the Business board about this, direct link below if you wish to join in:

Message 2 of 16
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Thank you.

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Below is a copy of a letter I have just sent to Dept for Trade and Industry on this subject.


How can a business continue to trade into Europe after Dec 13th 2024 under GPSR as collectibles are now to be included in this regulation. In my field of trade most of my products are less than 100 years. It would be impossible to provide the required information for my products as in most cases manufacturers are either not known or no longer trading.
IE -
1. - Kiloware stamps sold by weight as collected by charities. The stamps contained could come from any country in the world of any age used or unused.
2. A collection of items stamps, coin or postcards etc. Same applies.

This not only will effect my business but thousands of businesses across the UK if we have to adhere to this regulation as it stands. The way I see it after the 13th Dec I will have no option but to cease all trade with the EU.

I am an eBay concierge member and as yet eBay have no answer to this problem.

What the heck are UK businesses in our field supposed to do?


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Hi, did you get any reply?

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It's just crazy. Going to affect me massively as there is no way I'm jumping through their ludicrous beurocratic nonsense hoops. Will have to go to postage preferences and block NI & Europe, what else can we do? 

Message 6 of 16
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Take a look at this video on GPSR You tube reseller

Get in contact - 📩: "" In this video, I break down how eBay's new GPSR (General Product Safety Regulations) policy is threatening the livelihood of sellers in Northern Ireland. From poor customer service to complicated new regulations, small businesses in Northern ...
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I have just come across under ebay FAQs on the GPSR relating to secondhand goods, worth a read as it is saying that it only applies to goods manufactured after 13th December 2024. 

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Hi, i am the same. I sell used good quality British Engineering tools and parts which are no longer made in the UK. There is no way i am producing a safety manual in the 22 languages of the EU and contact details for these British manufacturers no longer exist so i will not sell into Europe. Also i thought Northern Ireland was part of the UK?. Regards Keith

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" .... it is saying that it only applies to goods manufactured after 13th December 2024." -  That is incorrect, it is for any product, outside the few exemptions, that is placed on the EU marketplace after December 13th when the regulations come into force.  New, second-hand, hand-made, or restored; it doesn't matter.

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@52kr wrote:

 Also i thought Northern Ireland was part of the UK?


I think the Northern Irish thought that as well. As far as I can work out they are but are also subject to a certain amount of EU lunacy. (Guess what. Not a fan.) Google "Windsor Framework."


Could be worse. We could still be in the EU ourselves, and subject to GPSR when selling to each other.

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As far as I can tell, being in the EU actually really wouldn't be a problem - you would be the responsible person for the safety of the product yourself. The language required for labelling would be English. There would be no requirement for cross border checking. It'd be far, far easier, and those of us that are VAT exempt would be far better positioned in the market.


But hey ho, sovereignty or some such *bleep*.


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I've been reading extensively about this, on various websites, forums & of course the official documents from the EU (The UK government websites haven't got anything concise or particularly helpful about it) & it seems to me the important point that needs clarifying for private sellers & small businesses is around this;


"The new rules don't apply for goods already offered to the market prior to implementation of the new rules"
& how that might contradict;
"The new rules apply to new and second-hand products"

If we take Ebay sellers as an example, they might have listings of items they own that they are selling privately & there's no real clarity as to whether this means they have been offered to the market when they were first sold to the private seller, or if the seller listing them is, in effect, offering them again to the market as a 'new' product to the market. 

If the seller is a business &, for example & for simplicity, has one product that they make in some way, whether from scratch or from parts purchased from elsewhere, is that product 'new to the market' each time they make one, or it regarded as having been a product offered to the market when the design was first launched by the seller. 

It's also not clear if the new rules apply to private sellers (ie. not businesses) or when sending gifts. 

If anyone has anything official from any reliable source that clarifies it could assist lots of folks trying to work these new rules out. 

Message 13 of 16
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Hi, lot of good information but I wont be selling to EU because I sell good quality engineering tools and lathe parts that were made by British companies that went out of business years ago and I cannot supply contact details that no longer exist.

Best regards Keith
Message 14 of 16
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N. Irelands only ever part of the UK when money's not involved!!  This is just another ploy by the EU to isolate us further from the rest of the UK in the hope that Eire might take us in - not going to happen but they'll keep trying!  SO vexing!!

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As someone living in N. Ireland, I used to be forever complaining about businesses on Ebay who said they couldn't or wouldn't post over here (even for something small like a pen that could have been posted by R. Mail) but now it looks like that's almost going to be the standard as anyone in the know will be ensuring they don't fall foul of the regs.  However, I do wonder who's going to police this as when the previous regs came in after Brexit, I found I could still order things like plants from England off Ebay where I couldn't from garden centres etc & nobody batted an eyelid even tho the boxes were clearly labelled "Live plants".


Just uber frustrating!!

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