Any chance sellers can be notified when buyers decline an offer and leave a message?

I send several offers to buyers on different items, sometimes the buyer declines the offer and leaves a message. The only way I can view these messages is by clicking "review offers" and clicking through the declined offers to see if there are any messages. This isn't practical to do for dozens of listings and would be better if these messages went into the message folder instead. Has anyone else found this?


As it is at the moment you have to remember which listings you sent offers on and remember to go back to them after the offers have expired to see if anyone has declined and left a message. I've had buyers leave me questions here and I have never seen them! Also there is no option to reply to these messages either!?

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Any chance sellers can be notified when buyers decline an offer and leave a message?

I know I’ve had an issue before of not seeing a message a buyer had left, as it was buried (I can’t remember what it was in relation to). I didn’t even think to check this for offers sent and declined. Thanks for the heads up.


Sorry I can’t help with resolving this issue. I’m not sure even logging a tech support help request would be worth it, either. In my experience, you either get the wrong answer, or told it will be passed on to the relevant team. Then nothing changes.

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