28-02-2025 10:41 AM
Just need to ask if there are things being put in place to accommodate the changes? The message I got was currently only UPS provides this service and I cannot use UPS. This would mean essentially the main part of my sales will be wiped out meaning I will have to close my account and move on. I'm sure this will be sorted but it's worrying. Other services coming like EVRI and royal mail? eBay already requires me to buy the postage through them as such so I'll need services in place! I hope the costs of these services and inconvenience doesn't cripple sales as well. Then there's international sales... That will need the GSP to have an option for it no?
As a side note if we are getting age verification for selling now surely we can start selling actual knives with this service soon? Or surely more categories are going to be added such as antique items or vintage butchers cleavers? Thanks.
02-03-2025 5:50 PM
Any advice from ebay as to what is a bladed item ?
I can't even find prices with UPS via ebay for an age verification service.
My current plan is to do nothing and find out what you remove and what you leave up. Will all my listings still be available via GPS, seems a farce if I have to use age verification to send to Lichfield WS13.
02-03-2025 7:03 PM
06-03-2025 10:33 AM
Yes but there's a lot of grey areas with items that are in between categories 😕 . I agree eBay should verify age for items you would need to verify in a shop but it's so muddled.
And what is this trying to do? Stop knife crime etc. ? I don't think it will make a difference when knives or sharp objects are literally everywhere around you all the time. Plus I don't think a kids going to spend £1000 on a bronze age axe too carry around for gang fights! I hope they improve the situation quickly... As this is a big mess approaching in it's current state. 😞
06-03-2025 12:06 PM
And what is this trying to do? Stop knife crime etc. ? I don't think it will make a difference when knives or sharp objects are literally everywhere around you all the time
So ebay should just do nothing because it won't make a difference?
If you start applying random logic like 'oh these axes are fine because they are expensive' - it 1) becomes more difficult and more expensive to program and 2) how do you decide what is too expensive for someone to buy for the reason to commit a crime?
06-03-2025 12:31 PM
I will sleep easy from next week safe in the knowledge that teenagers won't be able to convert food processors into weapons of mass destruction.
Unless parents are told to lock up cutlery this seems completely pointless.
Chisels are now on the list, pretty sure they weren't last time I looked. I can see the logic with that one but hand powered saws ? Come on ? Are they worried about body disposal as well ?
06-03-2025 1:10 PM
While it is a little frustrating to have to update postage for a load of listings I have started planning for everything that I sell to be sent via age verified if there is even the slightest hint that it could be seen as a blade.
I sell mower blades and the effort needed to change one of those into something that could be used as a viable weapon is pretty high but as with all these things you have to act on the rules as written. You may not like the rules ( I personally think they are a bit overreaching) but they are the rules.
06-03-2025 1:14 PM
Postage policy allows you to access age verified services including from Royal Mail
06-03-2025 1:40 PM
Frustrating for you , game changer / nightmare for me. I sell second hand carpentry tools.
Most of my stock comes from proper auctions or collection only on ebay. Collection only is now banned.
I've been neglecting my store of late (health reasons, not my own). All the high ticket items are gone , the dreggs are left. The high ticket items can stand another £5 postage or whatever it will be. The run of the mill / bread and butter items won't .
I've cancelled my shop subscription and will now clear my stock.
Big Thanks ebay for the 12 days notice period.
06-03-2025 2:09 PM
Thanks Masonsltd2009,
I can add those but don't know the prices.
Have a parcel to send today and those are not showing up as options.
Do I need to sell something with that service before I get access to prices ?
06-03-2025 2:49 PM
06-03-2025 3:11 PM
10-03-2025 10:17 AM
To confirm.
Pointless knee jerk reactions do nothing to help.
Knives used in crimes are in every kitchen or shed in the UK. ... These measures do nothing whatsoever to assys and so ..yes. They should do nothing.
10-03-2025 11:09 AM
Yes I agree it's not going to make a noticeable difference. (Saw a kid buying a dangerous pocket flick knife at a market yesterday - no checks there - sigh ). They should keep the age verification on at the purchase point I guess as it's simple and doesn't need much to do. And yes great I see royal mail have an option now but only on the eBay website. It's not found it's way onto the mobile app yet. Ebay please sort it, it starts tomorrow! And I see nothing from EVRI yet? This will be very bad for the cheaper items I agree £2.97 with EVRI is now £6.27 with royal mail 😞 . Fingers crossed something changes with that!
As I mentioned before this could be an opportunity to promote growth and expand the allowed list with checks, now we have these checks? How about adding blades tools / utensils to the allowed list? Such as butchers knives or just antique knives or things like a bayonet / war memorabilia etc.? Stuff that's sold all over the internet by other companies anyway.
Ps. If I blunt something like a chisel is it no longer bladed? Or sell a wood plane without the blade hmmmm.... I'm hoping this doesn't get as messy as I'm imagining at times... 😕
10-03-2025 4:14 PM
it seems that the cheapest way to post a butter knife with ebay is going to be with UPS at the cost of £8.86
11-03-2025 10:24 AM
Hi , I had to contact an ebay agent who sent me a link to change the postage policy and courier on the active listing , i found royal mail tracked 48 age verified and selected that but for a pair of scissors it was £6.27 and nobody is going to pay that !
Also anything in the bladed items category or has words such as axe , knife or scissors will need to be changed , i sell was selling axe/knife sharpeners in the axe/hatchet category but i couldn't revise the quantity till i changed category and removed the axe/knife from the title.
I think it will be a while before selling and posting gets resolved .
12-03-2025 6:43 PM
I also sell garden power tools and accessories but can’t use age verification via Royal Mail, Yodel ect as there require the recipients email address and phone number which eBay won’t allow them to share, only alternative is through eBay using UPS at £12, can’t believe eBay have not put more options in place for this before it came in. Think I’ll call it a day but have noticed that food processors and other bladed items are still being listed without age verification, loads of blades went on for processors from China for about a fiver with free postage 🤷♂️
12-03-2025 7:49 PM
13-03-2025 10:40 AM - edited 13-03-2025 10:44 AM
Just thought I would post updates to hopefully help iron out the problems...:/ . So currently two listings got flagged... Multiple problems trying to revise in mobile app including no prices on services with age verification? My first postage jumped £5 up which is crazy. The second postage didn't exist :0 ! If I try UPS there's no apparent options for me and can't even find the prices elsewhere. And only royal mail has options but the item is over 61cm and so there is no postage for this type of item essentially it's been blocked and can't be revised unless a new postage option is brought in! Please sort it out eBay etc. ! I won't list the other problems yet as there are too many... Fingers crossed 😞
Ps check the screen shot attached. Message 19 of 18 😕 ?